, All focused on the Corona-pandemic, much is left out of Eight. Karl Lauterbach made on Twitter on a particular pressing Problem.

The World Resources Institute has released a new study. Accordingly, the world cleared every six seconds, rain forest is the size of a football field. the Karl Lauterbach warns on Twitter that the corona the crisis covered this issue.

Berlin, Coronavirus* and the associated political and economic crisis overlay currently. Hardly a message without reference to Corona, hardly a topic is discussed without any reference to the pandemic*. Prior to this, SPD Bundestag member Karl Lauterbach with the reference to a new study, rain forest-Die , published by the World Resources Institute (WRI) warns.

Lauterbach draws attention to the fact that the rain forest was going to tip over at a clearing of 25-to 40-percent””. This means: “He will no longer be able to produce enough rain , dried up, and eliminates more CO2 than it absorbs,” writes Lauterbach on Twitter. This is already in the coming years . “The corona crisis* must not overlap.”

Amazon rain forest in Brazil, one Every six seconds, area of a football field cleared

The WRI, a calculated has a think-tank for environmental issues from Washington, in the past year, the world approximately 3.8 million acres pristine – and very important – primary went to the woods will be lost. This is equivalent to around a football field – every six seconds. That is a scary thought. Were evaluated in the study, the data of the Internet platform Global Forest Watch. A total of 2019 has been cleared, according to the data, even an area of approximately 11.9 million acres of tropical jungle.

+ in the World will continue to cut down a massive rain forest. ©Reuters / Marcelo Sayao

One-third of the area of the cleared primary forest lies in Brazil (1.36 million hectares), where the situation was particularly dramatic. The numerous major fires in the past years have but little influence. Behind are the forests of the democratic Republic of the Congo (of 0.48 million hectares) and Indonesia (0,32) follow. Deforestation is taking place in many countries aimed to create agricultural land .

deforestation of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil: Coronavirus additional Evil for the woods

By loss of primary forest worldwide of 1.8 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide have been set according to the study, free this would correspond to the annual emission of 400 million cars . For comparison: In the year 2018, the worldwide CO2 emissions amounted to around 36,6 gigatonnes of .

see The authors of the study, similar to Lauterbach, the Coronavirus pandemic* as an additional Evil for the woods. For example, countries may be forced, as the Stimulus , and for the purpose of extraction of raw materials, forests are increasingly cut down.

In Indonesia it was during the Asian financial crisis of the case. The countries should, according to the researchers, but rather in the recovery in the woods invest in a sound management of forests would create jobs. And the green lung of our planet , with its many endangered species would have a real Chance.

*merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©Reuters / Victor Moriyama