full camper and crowded beaches, meadows, parked, Wild: these are messages that currently make up from popular places to visit in the whole of Germany the round. From the crowded Hiking trails in the mountains in the South to overcrowded beaches and coastal towns in the North: everywhere in the Federal Republic of residents and politicians are complaining currently about chaotic, sometimes unacceptable conditions.

The reason for this is Because many of the EU’s closed borders and the policy to leave in the home calls, storms, tourists and day-trippers now the most popular Hot Spots. The summer holidays have not even begun.

in Many places, makes, therefore, the fear of wide: What happens when more and more provinces start in the holidays? Even before the corona crisis the country was considered as the most popular holiday destination of the Germans. Around a third of the nearly 71 million trips per year have to show their country to the target, as Figures from the German travel Association (DRV). Due to the current international crisis, as well as the appeals of some politicians, will this number steeply upwards.

  • All of the developments in the Coronavirus pandemic, you read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Aggressive mood, masses of people: Germany’s Hots Spots are groaning under the tourist burden

employees of the office of public order felt on the street, as it is now “a more aggressive mood than at the beginning of the Corona-restrictions”. Also, Stefanie Böhm, mayor of the municipality of Kampen on Sylt moves to the Whitsun week-end a bitter conclusion: “There were just too many people.”

Similar messages there were from Cuxhaven, where people could go, despite the eleven kilometre-long beach promenade and rechtsgeh bid is hardly out of the way. The Lord mayor of Cuxhaven, Uwe Santjer (SPD), had previously appealed to tourists to refrain from Pentecost on excursions to the coastal city. “All those who can make it at home too nice, like this do and a bit of Cuxhaven-break,” he said of the “Nordsee-Zeitung”. “In the summer we can celebrate together again.”

Also in the small streets on the island of Norderney it was sometimes difficult, the distance to comply with the rules, said a police spokesman. This is only the beginning, shows a survey by the ZDF-political barometer. More than a third of the people in Germany don’t want to, therefore, this year in the holiday. Nearly a third of respondents (31 percent) don’t want to abandon him – and the summer vacation this year in Germany spend. Only one in Ten (13 per cent) planned in other European countries. 18 out of 100 people are still undecided.

recommended reading: , Here you can find the most enchanting old towns of Germany.

travel Association warns: capacity in Germany ranging from

from the possible consequences of this trend, the DRV, and warned: “The capacity in their own country are far from sufficient, so that all Traveller can also make your well-deserved vacation.” Finally, minimum clearances, and other requirements would have to be, such as occupancy rates for the Hotels, taken into consideration the affect in addition, the light-heartedness, which should go hand-in-hand with a holiday, actually. More to the Coronavirus

From CSU politician Markus Söders Please, to spend the summer vacation this year in Germany, the DRV is generally not much: “If Corona is high or low, is not a political decision but a question of the facts,” said the President of the DRV, Norbert Fiebig. “Who warns unfounded prior to traveling abroad to promote only to the holidays in their own province, the power the business of many travel agencies and tour operators broken”, outraged he is about the call of the Minister-President of Bavaria.

In Bavaria to be the case currently even higher than in some popular holiday countries. Fiebig, respectively: “The number of currently Infected is in the free state de facto higher than in the popular holiday countries of Greece, Croatia and Austria, taken together. According to the logic of Mr Söder would then have to apply to Bavaria, a travel warning.“

“The Coronavirus are limits no matter – domestic as well as international”

“Why would be the risk of Infection is higher, if I cross a European border, or a domestic? Or if I was from Berlin to Copenhagen travel in comparison to Berlin to Munich? The Coronavirus boundaries matter – domestic as well as international,“ said Fiebig.

The DRV calls therefore for a step of decreasing infection adapted to limit the numbers of openings, as it is currently happening one after the other. The Association also wants Germany and abroad trips not be pitted against each other: “Over 70 per cent of all trips to the German cause abroad – this business serves as the backbone of the German economy of around 100,000 jobs in travel agencies and tour operators.” With a Smartphone in the Corona-crisis: how to protect your children on the Internet!

Tiktok, YouTube, and Gamble without end: Many children and adolescents spend since the start of the Corona-crisis even more time on the Internet. Digital coach Daniel Wolff explains in the Webinar on 15.06.20 from 19 to 20.15 PM, what are the dangers of the.

destinations to equip the Parliament and the President calls to reason: “Want to be a second Ischgl”

Popular domestic destinations are gearing up, however, for more tourist rush. So, in the future, the turquoise waters of the Walchensee in upper Bavaria to where on Monday almost no penetration anymore, meadows, to serve the local farmers as additional Parking areas. The notification system on the highway, warning against a big rush and motorists should keep in advance, are also in the conversation.

All were now in the responsibility, urged the President of the Bavarian Landtag, Ilse Aigner (CSU). “We want to be a second Ischgl,” she said roughly. “These holidays are a challenge to all of us.” The volunteers were faced with special challenges, the Corona pandemic is an additional risk, said Aigner, during a visit to the water rescue at lake Starnberg and the mountain rescue center in Bad Tölz. “We need to take account of the sequential, Hygiene and the spacing rules to comply with. But we also need to be careful. We should overestimate, not when Hiking, and the highest level of care to the still, cold lakes.“

are not Allowed to control only the Top-sights – Beautiful, there is throughout the country

In relation to Bavaria, it calls also, not only the Hot Spots of control – there are places to visit in the entire country so that the tourists rush could distribute: “We have now the Chance to explore the whole of Bavaria. The Franconian wine or lakes in the country, the Spessart, the upper Palatinate, the Bavarian forest and the Altmühltal valley or the Romantic road – to name just a few goals. We don’t have to scramble all at the same time on the same mountain, or in the same lake.“

this is Similar for the crowded coasts to the North sea and the Baltic sea. In addition to the typical holiday destinations such as Rügen or Sylt, there are still numerous smaller places and Islands that are not yet so crowded. But also in the North, East and Central Germany places vying for tourists. For example, the resin announces that he is looking forward “to tourists”, the lüneburg Heath, awaits visitors with its purple fields, in the Saxon Switzerland imposing rocky formations decorate the landscape to captivate the tourist’s eye – and this is only a snippet.

recommended reading: An Overview of Germany’s most beautiful places, you can find here.

If it is to necessarily go to the cool Wet, you will also find here an Overview of the most beautiful lakes in the different Federal States.

Giant Constrictor snake has a young deer in its grip until the tide PCP Giant Constrictor snake has a young deer’s fixed in the handle until the blade

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