More money for families and communities, reductions in the price of Electricity and a reduction of VAT: With a huge stimulus package, the black wants to boost-red coalition, the economy in the Corona-crisis and the consumption of the citizens to stimulate. Because the prospects are grim: as a result of the Corona-crisis, is expected to be the worst recession of the post-war German history. Union and the SPD also seek to create a “Modernisation” and the future, to promote technologies for more climate protection.

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The stimulus package is supposed to have for 2020 and 2021 with a volume of 130 billion euros. 120 billion is accounted for by the Federal government, such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said on Wednesday evening in Berlin. To cover expenses, the Federal government must take new debt. Minister of Finance, Scholz spoke of a supplementary budget, without the scope.

More money than expected – but suddenly even the skeptics of this

is The sum is in any case significantly higher than what was recently been bandying about. On Pentecost it was said, the government intended to only provide up to 80 billion euros. CSU leader Markus Söder had previously stressed that he sees the limit at 100 billion euros. The experts had, however, stressed that Germany could certainly afford more debt and this in the long term, especially in the current situation, paid would make.

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This seems to have Söder convinced. According to the CSU heads of any Indebtedness of the threat now. The aid also meant that the country would be overloaded and unable to act or the next Generation. The package also has something to do with psychology, with optimism.

“We want to come up with the punch out of the crisis”

The new economy helps the rich because, in part, far beyond the current parliamentary term and beyond. 60 to 70 suggestions were to start on the table. It was clear that not everything would be affordable, especially since the drop in tax revenue due to the Corona-crisis, and unemployment is again on the increase. But, at least, could be met with the sum of the welfare of more wishes. Reuters/John Macdougall/AFP/POOL/Reuters German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, the way in the Federal Chancellery. The black-red coalition had previously announced its huge stimulus package for the economy is to be boosted in the Corona-crisis.

Merkel said it was a good result. It was important to get the most severe economic crisis in the handle. This will show to the more than seven million short-time workers. All need a bold answer. Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) summarized it with the words: “We want to come up with the punch out of the crisis.” Government lowers VAT: Here you will find out how much you can save Now to calculate!

Ifo chief Fuest welcomes economic stimulus package – and has a worry

CDU Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, praised the stimulus package of the coalition as an investment in future viability, recovery and optimism. “With this powerhouse we are of our great responsibility for the future viability of our country,” she told the German press Agency. “We are investing in the upturn and create optimism in all areas.” (Display)

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the President of The Ifo Institute, Clemens Fuest, has praised the Corona-stimulus package, as a well thought-out and well-balanced. It will dampen the recession certainly, he said on Thursday in Germany radio. “From the world, you can’t create them of course.” A temporary reduction in VAT, the consumption could be boosted at short notice. If the rates rise in the coming year, there is but “a bit” is the risk that the consumer to stop. “It is intended that it stimulates the consumption during this critical Phase. Only relying on that in the next year, the Worst is over,“ said Fuest.

Fuest: families and Lone parents need more help

The adopted family bonus will bring relief. But it would be unfair to put the burden of families and lone parents in the Corona-crisis with a one-time payment to pay for, said Fuest. A lot more needs to be done. “It can’t be that you can redeem with 300 Euro from this obligation.” That the Federal government assume no debts of local governments, was right. “This has nothing to do with the Corona-crisis,” said Fuest. Content check: The gross-to-net calculator 2020, much net is left for them by the gross

He would have liked, however, in addition to the agreed relief to the municipalities that the coalition would have a Reform of local finances as a whole in view. “We can see, the trades tax is a bad municipal tax – it varies very greatly in the economic cycle,” said Fuest. In every downturn, the municipalities that the commercial break is expensive. “But this is a break with announcement”. Necessary for more consistent revenue, be.

“In the case of the combustion engine must Fuest, the car companies, the self-fix”

welcomed The in the package included the promotion of low-emission Car engines. Thus, the Federal government promotes investment in Innovation. “This type of support is more directed to the future, to promote the sales of cars with combustion engines,” said Fuest. “Because the car companies have to lower the prices and the self-fix it.”

the Director of The employer middle Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) has welcomed the stimulus program. “Even if the stimulus package fails surprisingly large, given the unprecedented economic crisis and also fiscally irresponsible,” said Hüther compared to “T-Online”. The reduction in VAT, the children’s bonus or the strengthening of the investment capacity of the municipalities, would give an important impetus for social Balance. “It is now, the structural approaches to expand and open further prospects for growth.”

“Better than

thought,” the chief economist of Commerzbank, Jörg Krämer, expresses positively, The stimulus package was “better than expected”. In his words, “surprisingly captured the” temporary reduction in VAT will lead to a frontloading of consumption, and help all industries. “At least as important for the recovery of the economy, the decisions on the Opening up of the economy and the middle of March, adopted a protective shield for the company,” says Krämer more are but.


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The German Association of towns and municipalities, welcomed the stimulus package. It will give the local authorities the necessary leeway to bring in this year and next year, necessary investment, said the managing Director of the Gemeindebunds, Gerd Landsberg, the “Rheinische Post” of Thursday.

middle class is calling for business tax reform

the President of The Federal Association of medium-sized businesses, Mario Ohoven, told, good liquidity assistance for small and medium-sized companies, as well as tax relief for investments. The Federal government should fail, however, to strengthen the competitiveness of the company in the long term, for example, a corporate tax reform.

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The Central real estate Committee ZIA wants the government welcomed the reduction in VAT. This is good news for many millions of Employees and an important step to rescue the inner cities, so ZIA President Andreas Mattner.

Greenpeace criticized low efforts for climate change

The Opposition in the Bundestag sees light but also shadow. The Left-energy politicians Lorenz Gösta Beutin said it was a success for the climate movement, that the coalition have decided to no harmful to the climate scrappage scheme for internal combustion engines. It is a real ecological reboot lacked but. Beutin criticized, specifically that Corona would not support for the company to binding climate targets. For climate rescue, the coalition had missed “an historic opportunity”.

the environmental organization Greenpeace, ruled that the stimulus package was “in the best case, pale green.” Some meaningful investments in climate protection would be superimposed “by many measures, the distribute the money in a lump sum with the watering can, such as on the VAT”, said Greenpeace climate expert Tobias Austrup. The government miss the “historic opportunity on an ecological awakening”. He called on the members of the Bundestag, the package in this regard need to be improved.

FDP warns of the burden for young generations

FDP parliamentary group Deputy Michael Theurer said, the stimulus package contained important aspects, such as the temporary reduction in VAT. Overall, though, it was very expensive proposals, this will be a burden to subsequent generations. Juicy and quick to prepare: The rhubarb cake with Skyr manages each PCP Juicy and quick to prepare: The rhubarb cake with Skyr succeed in each
