Even there, where else with a passion for culture lived and the future, music is played, at the Moment of infection, protection of the sound. Concert halls, Opera houses and music clubs, theatres, cinemas and other cultural places are at a standstill.

they all out to get us, in normal times from the daily routine into a world of possibilities. To make potential visible and to show reality, changeable, belongs to the artistic core competencies. Works of art and cultural places to create space for a new utopia – alone in that they connect people across all borders.

In the darkness of a cinema hall, under the spell of events on the Stage, we learn that everything could be different than we perceive it. And sometimes we feel reading or listening, compassionate, and mitfiebernd the longing for a better world, to another life.

But at the same time the art and culture seems to be in these Corona-times to be fatal, what is the policy and the economy, the language of Power and money advance: you people literally in touch with each other. As long as distance from its citizens to hold duty in the Corona-prevention is to remain a cultural community experiences in sold-out halls, a reality distant desires – not to say: the music of the future… About the author:

Monika Grütters (CDU) since the end of 2013, the Federal government Commissioner for culture and the media. As a Minister of state is assigned directly to the Chancellor. She attends meetings of the Federal Cabinet. Since 1999, she is an honorary Professor at the Free University of Berlin, Institute for cultural and media management (IKM).

art as an indispensable food for the Soul

What does this mean for artists, cultural institutions and companies in the culture industry, I know, not least from the countless phone conversations and letters, in which Sufferers have described to me in the last weeks of your Situation. I know the despair. I can relate to the existence of fear. I am – as a human being, as an avid culture lover, and as a politician.

I am deeply concerned also with the cultural diversity that has grown in Germany over the decades – not least thanks to a government promotion of culture, unparalleled in the world. And yet, I am of the opinion that it is not defeatism, but pragmatism has to play in this Situation, the first violin: look, what’s to complain about instead of what needs to be different.

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the atmosphere in front of the screen is not replaceable – cultural need-the Hunger will be bigger than ever before

Watch what is going on: artists and numerous cultural institutions, with exactly this attitude, and an admirable creativity in the past few weeks, the domestic Isolation for many people more bearable made. Never before has the Internet offered pleasure in this bandwidth and quality – from the live stream of the concert on readings from the home in the living room to the virtual theatre in the evening. On the analog master audience in addition to some of the Online likely to be for this random visitors to the taste. Art was in any case for many people once more as an indispensable food for the Soul.

Corona-crisis also has creative powers

This appreciation will, I am convinced, to the corona of a crisis for artists to pay. The Hunger for culture in the public space will be greater than ever before. Many now see that culture as an on-screen experience is not a substitute for the experience of community. The resonance is just yet another in a public space.

As listeners and viewers listening concentrated, and the domestic Couch may be so convenient: Happy is to share emotions with others. Many (including me!) to sit it can be expected, therefore, hardly, finally, again in concert, in theatre, in cinema, even if it sometimes means to have the bull neck of the front man in the field of view or popcorn geknusper from the right to the back of the ear.

Watch what is going on, and do what can be done: This attitude also determines the political handling of the Corona-crisis and its impact on art and culture. From other countries look with envy to the rescue from emergency aid by the Federal government in Germany for the self-employed and micro-enterprises, including the cultural and creative industry, has excited, and is located on the support programs of the individual Federal States in whose jurisdiction the culture in Germany.

It consists Essentially of five parts:

  • The livelihood of solo self-employed Creative the ease of access to a basic provision with significantly improved performance, as well as a system that allows cultural institutions to pay cancellation fees as compensation for lost wages back up.
  • Cultural facilities such as theaters can keep employees thanks to the flexibility of the Kurzarbeitergelds about closing times.
  • For operating costs were immediately provided aid, of which, for example, bookstores and the cinema, and music club operators benefit as well as artists with a private Studio.
  • For targeted relief measures for the crisis management funds from my cultural budget are available, for example, in an auxiliary program for-free orchestra and Ensembles or program RESTART for corona-related renovation measures.
  • The voucher solution as a replacement for Tickets for cancelled events is helping with the concert and festival organizers, a broader range of culture by the Corona in order to save the crisis. In addition to these measures already adopted a comprehensive program, I save the cultural infrastructure in Germany and the restart of the cultural life wants to support. Cinemas and music clubs, memorials, and galleries, museums and theatres and many other cultural facilities will receive financial assistance, according to the Corona-forced break to open as early as possible their goals. Because the preservation of the cultural infrastructure is the key to guarantee job opportunities and income for artists, as well as all others Working in the cultural sector.
  • All this may be confidently not agree that the corona crisis destructive, but creative forces mobilized. Politically, however, we do our utmost – in the Belief that we owe the art, as well as the cultural and creative industries, those of Inspiration and irritation, from which innovations emerge, and in the Belief that in the culture of the future music plays.

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