Twist in the case of George Floyd. The prosecutor investigating the death of man, 46-year-old in Minneapolis has recharacterized the facts, voluntary manslaughter, and charged of “murder not premeditated,” the police officer who has overcome the Black american and complicity of the other three officers present, announced, Wednesday, the senator local Amy Klobuchar.

Derek Chauvin, the police officer who, on may 25 in Minneapolis, knelt on the neck of the middle-aged for more than eight minutes, causing his death, had initially been charged only with manslaughter. The charges to have been re-qualified Wednesday, ” murder not premeditated “, more serious, and is punishable by 40 years in prison.

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The three other officers who accompanied him, also returned to the police since, are now also being prosecuted, for aiding and abetting. Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane have all been in turn placed in detention. “We are deeply satisfied that the attorney general of Minnesota Keith Ellison has acted decisively by arresting and charging all the officers involved in the death of George Floyd,” responded the attorney for the family Benjamin Crump.

also Read Philippe Labro – Donald Trump, the order and the law

The demonstrations continue

The protests, which have sometimes been accompanied by looting and riots continued in many cities, without overflow major reported Wednesday afternoon. An appeasement that allowed for flexibility in the hours of the curfews imposed in recent days to help restore calm, as in Washington and Los Angeles, where thousands of protesters were again in the streets.

A major police operation was once again deployed to close access to the White House, even though authorities have said they expect peaceful gatherings. After the scenes of violence that had punctuated the previous night, the president, Donald Trump had threatened on Monday to deploy the army “to quickly resolve the problem,” remarks immediately denounced by the opposition, which had seen a shift to autocratic.

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The ex-us president Barack Obama welcomed on Wednesday the “change of mentality” operated with the Americans demonstrating against racism and police violence, which might lead to reforms at the national level. The predecessor of Donald Trump has also urged the state and local authorities to review their policy on the use of force, in its first commentary video since the death of George Floyd in the hands of the police of Minneapolis on may 25. The first black president of the United States has called for cooperation between individuals to “change America” and help it to conform to its values.

Trump attacked by his former Defense minister

In overt disagreement with Donald Trump, the american Defence secretary himself said on Wednesday opposed the idea of deploying troops in large cities. “I am not favorable to the decree of the state of insurgency “, which would allow the billionaire republican deploying soldiers active in the face of american citizens, and non-reservists of the national Guard, as is currently the case, ” said Mark Esper. Jim Mattis, the former minister of Defense of Donald Trump, who had resigned, is in turn mounted to the niche to accuse the president of “dividing” America.

“In my lifetime, Donald Trump is the first president who does not try to bring together the U.s., which does not even pretend to try,” wrote the former general of the Marines, who until then was never taken out of its reserve.

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Spike Lee : “let’s Stop our bullshit “