Corona in the United States: Many of the Dead and the protests against police violence and racism – Donald Trump is a pitiful picture. Now the new unemployment figures were released.

Donald Trump* is the 45. President of the USA , The country groans under the Corona*crisis, complained of more than 100.00 Dead in Addition, protests rocking the country – Donald Trump there is a pitiful picture

Update from Friday, 05.06.2020, 14.48 PM: the economic upturn of The USA due to the Corona-crisis more and more there. A particular Nuisance for US President Donald Trump , because the economic recovery will be the strongest argument of Success was. Since then, the Coronavirus is raging in the USA , there are about 40 million people, some completely, some temporarily lost her Job. Now the published unemployment rate for the month of may.

And is less serious than experts feared. The unemployment rate dropped on 13,3 percent , in April, there were 14,7 percent . Due to the horrendous effects of the Corona-pandemic experts had feared a rise to 20 percent.

Corona in the US: the Dead and the protests – Donald Trump is a pitiful picture

first message of Friday, 05.06.2020: Washington, USA – No country in the world is so strongly affected by Corona , such as the United States of America. In the United States to date 5 are. June, 12.15 PM – more than 1.8 million Coronavirus cases is confirmed. More than 100,000 people died as a result of the lung disease Covid-19. The behavior of Donald Trump (73) in the fight against the Corona-pandemic* has recently called forth more criticism.

Corona in the United States: Donald Trump has been complicit in the crisis

+ US-President Donald Trump is during the Corona-crisis in the USA, not a good image.©Patrick Semansky, dpa

The USA long considered the country of unlimited possibilities. But in terms of Corona, the world pushes power to its limits, but also because of the US President Donald Trump. The economic crisis . Since then, the Coronavirus has reached the United States, have lost more than 40 million people, at least temporarily, their Job. The unemployment rate for the may 2020 is yet to come. According to analysts, the figure could amount to more than 20 percent. At the beginning of the year – at that time, there was hardly any Corona cases in the United States was still well below five percent.

Corona in the United States: Donald Trump settles with Twitter

As is so often Donald Trump in times of Corona-crisis, a pitiful picture . The Republicans of the United States wipes critical questions from journalists accustomed to indifferent from the table. By the way, the 73-Year-old bogged down in a war with his favorite pipe Twitter voice . The micro-blogging service had to be subjected to the Tweets of the most powerful man in the world, a fact check and this is the lie transferred. The US President follow on Twitter in the times of the Corona-crisis .

Corona in the United States: Donald Trump military wants to use

in Addition to the many Corona-dead the latest protests have shaken the U.S. . Were triggered by the death of George Floyd (†46). The African-Americans died due to police violence. The officer Derek Chauvin (44) knelt minutes long on the neck of the father of two daughters, ignored cries for help that he can get no more air.

The many peaceful protests turned occasionally violent. Images from the USA are showing the same non-violent protesters with Mouth guard (mouth protection, and respiratory protection masks correctly disinfect – So it is done*) against Corona, as well as the looting of supermarkets.

Corona in the United States: Donald Trump recommends ineffective medicine

+ George Floyd died due to police violence. A post-mortem examination revealed that he was infected with Corona.©picture alliance/dpa

During an autopsy of the corpse of George Floyd revealed that it had been infected with the Coronavirus , is Donald Trump on the Offensive. The 73-Year-old should consider a military intervention in the case of the protests. 1600 soldiers have been drawn together in the Washington, DC . There is the official office of the White house and seat of government of the United States.

recently Donald Trump made of, because he recommended that in the case of Corona the Malaria drug hydroxychloroquine. This is according to a study, absolutely ineffective.

Matthias Hoffmann

* is part of the nationwide Ippen Digital editors ‘ network

section list image:©Patrick Semansky/AP/dpa