a year Ago would not have bet a lot that the Grand coalition would run aground once great Form. Black-and-Red was considered a discontinued model, you have the confidence to Achieve the aim of “September 2021,” hardly. But it is quite different. In the light of the Corona pandemic, the CDU/CSU and SPD will demonstrate the actual strength of a Grand coalition: a wide majority for far-reaching decisions in crisis periods.

That was already in 2008/2009 as the financial crisis is welded to the each other room for his overwhelming coalition partners, once again, to lead the country out of the recession. But what is completely new: The SPD-Left has criticized the agreement between the predominantly pragmatic set SPD-Minister, and the majority of the SPD group in the Bundestag with the Union.

on The contrary: Even the notorious Grand coalition opponents, such as Kevin Kühnert and his Jusos welcomed your government’s team now, respect for the agreed economic stimulus package. SPD Federal Minister, which are not attacked by their own party the left – when there has been since the last? About the author: Hugo Müller-Vogg

Dr. Hugo Müller-Vogg publicist and former publisher of the FAZ is.

Hugo Müller-Vogg/Laurence Chaperon

Since you will not come out, be Amazed, because the first six months of the current double peak Saskia esque and Norbert Walter-was started Borjans, actually, the SPD as quickly as possible from the unpopular Alliance out. From the opposition benches, the party should win, so the hope of many members to the force as a decidedly left-wing party and an advocate of the little people.

as we know, it is different, because the SPD-Minister, and the group join the government rather objectively as ideologically wanted to oppose. The Thesis of Olaf Scholz and others, that the government have more of a social democratic goals to prevail as in the Opposition, has once again confirmed. The social-democratic handwriting on the “thumps-stimulus package” is obvious. This has undoubtedly contributed to the fact that esque/Walter-Borjans, have filed in the light of the corona crisis, the attitude of the Class struggle and concentrated on what is necessary and possible.

VAT reduction – a proposal from the ACC or SPD?

a hint of redistribution is in the stimulus package, not once. Week had tumbled above all esque for a capital levy, to contribute to the “Rich” to the financing of the aid measures. However, in the negotiations with the Union’s other priorities were now. The most Important goods for the SPD, the waiver of the above all of the CSU requested scrappage scheme for the benefit of the automotive industry and a “child bonus”. Kay Nietfeld/dpa Norbert Walter-Borjans (l) and Saskia esque, the two Federal Chairman of the SPD

At this 300 Euro per child has not the SPD that the allowance be charged on Hartz IV and the children’s free allowance will be charged. Thus, this performance is directed at those who have very little. Families with high income, however, empty.

The SPD claimed also that the municipalities get more money. Your goal is to transfer the debts of highly indebted cities and municipalities to the Federal government, has not reached you. Nevertheless, the municipalities in the accommodation costs for Hartz IV to be relieved receiver noticeably. Thus, the social democratic local politicians can score points when voters.

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boasts The SPD to have the temporary reduction in the VAT by set. This contradicts statements from the CDU, this proposal had first introduced its Still-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. However, Whether people on lower incomes to benefit from it, may be doubted.

The supermarket will reduce the price of the Liter of milk, more likely to be a couple of cents a verb. Money those that can afford purchases in the five – figure range-and support the economy, also want to save it. In a car for 60,000 euros, the VAT is reduced to 1. July to around 1,800 euros.

the stimulus package through the Bundestag and the Bundesrat do not need to, everything is still in dry towels. A result of the struggle to find the right way to combat the looming recession at the same time, The metamorphosis of the SPD from the whining coalition partner to the proud coregent.

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