Finally back to normal in the school, and Kita go, wish for many children. The Federal Minister for family Affairs, Franziska Giffey (SPD) are in favour of. A prerequisite is, however, “that the infection happened to stay the way it is,” said Giffey, on Friday, the TV station RTL. “The infection happened, so how it looks now, the to table,” she said. Ultimately, the decision then lies with the Federal States.

In rbb-info radio, calling Giffey other conditions: “And of course, it is necessary that the staff is also available and this means that you must also take the health protection of the staff the view,” the Minister said. Here there is”, of course, Worries and uncertainties”. In addition, would have to be placed in all schools and day-care centres “the hygiene plans on the current state”.

distance rule does not hold in day-care centres and schools: “To be honest we need to be”

it is Clear, according to Giffey, also, that a return to the normal operation of day-care centres and schools, not with the current spacing rules will be compatible. “The 1.5-Meter is not easy to keep distance, as a rule,” she told the info to the radio. This has to be the responsibility then, “so honestly we must be simple”.

dpa/Kay Nietfeld/dpa, Minister for the family, Franziska Giffey, announced first details of the planned children’s bonus.

Federal Minister of education, Anja Karliczek (CDU) warned, however, their colleagues in the countries, before a hasty re-entry into the normal operation of the school.

“as Long as we still have no vaccine against Covid-19, must also prevail in the schools of all the greatest caution, Mr, to be able to structured lessons to offer,” she said to the mirror: “It all needs to be done, so that the schools are not herds to Infection.”

read also: 300 Euro per child from Federal government decides kids bonus for families – the parents need to know

Karliczek refers to Drosten

The Minister referred in your reminder explicitly on new findings of the Berlin-based virologist Christian Drosten. In this week’s updated analysis of the team of the charité, Professor acknowledge “indications of a significant virus load in infected children,” she said. “We need to take note of. The schools should continue to pay attention to health, so that there is a reliable presence in the classroom can be offered – even if this happens in the transition to a digital classroom.” FOCUS Online provides you with the most exciting Reports from the parents. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

Karliczek engages in discussions of the education Ministers conference, which is currently working on a concept for the next school year. Some of the country’s Minister of education urge, to operation as quickly as possible to a regular school to return to. Karliczek warns that the infection had to be observed to happen “more strictly”.

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