Where a father is said to have driven his car towards his wife and their child on Sunday, the following morning there was little to indicate the ultimately fatal attack: The police cordoned off the alleged crime scene in Duisburg on a sidewalk in front of several garages with tape . A black film covers the part of a garage door where the crime left its mark. Photos taken shortly after the alleged attack showed a large blood stain on the white goal.

On Sunday afternoon, in the middle of a residential area with apartment buildings in the north of Duisburg, a 25-year-old is said to have hit his 19-year-old wife and their 17-month-old child in a stroller. Mother and child are critically injured and the young woman ultimately dies in hospital on Monday morning. An autopsy will now provide information about what exactly caused her death.

The little boy’s life is still in danger. After the crime, he was flown in a rescue helicopter to a children’s hospital, where he has been fighting for his life ever since.

Witnesses detained the suspect

Early on, the police spoke of a “probably targeted attack by car.” Witnesses reported that the man, after hitting the woman and child in the buggy, got out and hit and kicked the woman. According to the police’s current findings, the attack was said to have been preceded by a relationship dispute.

The crime occurred near the home of the family living in Duisburg. According to the police, the man has Serbian nationality and the woman who died has German nationality.

Witnesses held the suspect until the police arrived. He was arrested and is scheduled to appear before a magistrate on Monday. The public prosecutor’s office assumes murder and attempted murder. The man has so far remained silent about the allegations. The exact motive is still unclear, investigators said on Monday.

A murder squad is now supposed to find out more. The investigators began questioning the family’s environment. We are also looking for other witnesses who can provide information about the course of the crime and the couple’s relationship.