For many French, the containment has been the synonym of a new life office… at home. Teleworking is becoming the norm, and the presence in the company, the exception ? The time crowded public transport, the small coffee between colleagues, informal discussions in the corridors and meetings “face-to-face” would it be gone forever ? The Point gives the word to employees that tell the upheaval caused by the confinement and their new life in the office.

” It has been two months that my boss didn’t called or sent an email. “The tone is sad. She did not return. Secretary for more than twenty years in a company of some 200 people, in the Essonne, Marlene, 48 years old, has been in part-time unemployment at the end of a week of confinement by a simple e-mail management. It warned that it was now being reported as working at 50 %, but that it would be paid 100 %. No indication of time was specified.

” I sent an e-mail to my supervisor to inform me. No answer. “At the end of a few days, so she held only his work calling one after another the other members of the team of which she was secretary, and organising the transfer home of his desktop computer. And she has set her own hours. “I felt terribly alone, and the anguish began to rise : was I really a useful service ? Wouldn’t I be dismissed from the exit of the containment ? Only a few employees have been put on partial unemployment. Why us ? Because we were not needed ? “

spectra hidden

The weeks passed. The silence was thick, broken only by a few phone calls with colleagues as she is a bit clueless. Where was the direction ? On may 11, she had still no definite information of his employer to find out if she should return or not in the office. She was always partial unemployment ? The response only came on the 27th of may, after yet another e-mail. There, a message from the HR director has announced that this exceptional status is ceased on the 1st of June. But she could continue to work at it, for health reasons.

at The side of his head, radio silence. It is, however, rushed to the office, masked and gloved, just to see heads, known, chat, and remove the dust. The premises were empty, or almost. She has not crossed that some of the ghosts masked, who told him “hello” from far away. “I went home, very despondent. This situation is unreal. I don’t even have the courage to work. “

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“My boss has stitched a mouth and demanded the return of the employees in the office, “”there will be more touring of kisses mandatory in my business “” If the epidemic takes, it’s going to be very complicated “