change period in the summer – Two district League team are in favour, two against it

Erding – a Lot of understanding, little enthusiasm – the football-district League team, the decision of the Bavarian football Association (BFV) for the exchange-term scheme noted. Therefore, there is the continuation of the currently interrupted season exchange window within the time period from 30. June to 31. In August, however, the arrangements for the winter exchange window, “to give the Combine a high level of protection”, such as the BFV in a press release writes. This means that the transferor club must give the player the release. Otherwise, picks a six-month ban.

“It didn’t surprise me that the exchange period. In half a year a lot changes stop. That is why it is okay that players who move around for work reasons, can still kick,“ says Dorfens 2. Department Head Bernhard Schöberl. “I wonder but what that has to do anything with the actual season.” The Deputy of the TSV had been found immediately after the BFV-decision to continue the season, critical words. “Gradually, the decision to pull the season into the length is, to a Farce,” says schoeberl.

the Extent to which the Dorfener squad through this exchange opportunity is going to change, he could not say. “The decision is still too fresh. We still have the whole month of time. As of now, has been reported but not yet a player of our First with me,“ more reported Schöberl.

can Also report on Rupert Lanzinger has no identity. He’ll get a picture when the Training starts. “Wen someone is changing careers, then we will put no stone in the way,” says the football boss of the FC Moosinning. Even the FCM but I have no new views.

“for Me personally, it would have been better, if by the Winter, all of the exchange deadlines would have been. I don’t know whether that legally would have been possible,“ says Lanzinger. Especially in the case of contract Amateurs this is probably not so easy: “but I’ve also read of Clubs, which all contracts are resolved.”

Lanzinger expressed understanding for the BFV. “It is also for the Association difficult. I’m now already really long time in football, comparable there was, however, never.“ It would have been less complicated, he suspects, “if we had just repeated the season. Many opponents would not have had such a decision.“

FC Schwaig, moss innings, the toughest competitor for second place in the district of the Northern League, poses in front of the BFV. “We accept the decision as it is”, stressed the spokesman Rainer Hellinger. There is always a For and against, but it was probably the best viable solution, “which reflects most of the wishes and needs of the clubs. We ourselves will be affected by the scheme, probably a little more.“

praise comes from the descent of endangered FC Finsing. “If you play the season, were the decisions of the BFV comprehensible and stringent,” said Board member Robert Hartmann. “We focus on our squad together. Of course, we are always looking for young talent. But the uncertainty given to the rest of the season, history is what makes the Active is unsafe.“