The possible sources of error when Completing the tax sources are varied, such as the financial service provider MLP warns.

Basically, the experts advise: taxpayers should use the help of their insurance policies provider. The insurance companies send all of the data on pension contributions automatically to the tax office. The same applies for Riester and basic pension (“Rürup pension”).

works, So all you need to give the Insured the provider before your tax ID number and a transmission of data agree. But watch out: Only if the Insured your contributions to a private pension scheme in the tax return , to flow, the potential reimbursements.

a further source of error is the professionals point: Who is doing each year on his tax return online, you can have the data from the previous year in the current forms take over. The data of each taxpayer should takeover meticulously – check also, because not every wrong input will lead to an automatic error message.

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information on the Riester pensions come out in Appendix “AV”

In the case of the Riester pension per year up to 2100 euros in the “AV” setting. Here, too, it must be accurate: the information contained in The form are the basis for this is that the tax office carries out the so-called higher-yield test. The Treasury calculates whether a Riester allowance savers with the Funding or the tax deduction of special expenses better drives.


Pay to the basic pension in Annex “supply costs” in line 8,

particularly frequent fill-in errors people are warned that combine a basic pension with an occupational disability supplementary insurance. The total annual contribution is to be entered in row 8 of the investment “service costs” . Mistakenly Taxpayer would select instead often, the line 47 (“voluntary independent acquisition and disability insurance”). This line is actually provided for contributions to self-employed disability insurance.

The above mistake has fatal consequences, because the Treasury does not inform taxpayers about their mistake and refunded where appropriate any money. Everything you know about your pension

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Company pension plan, no case for tax Declaration

In contrast to the previously mentioned forms of private pensions will have to make a workers in company pension schemes (bAV) no information in the tax return. The simple reason is that The premiums reduce immediately the gross salary, and are therefore already taken into account in the payroll.

In the case of the often millions of times selected direct insurance other than bAV-variant contributions in the amount exempt a maximum of eight percent of the contribution assessment ceiling of the statutory pension insurance scheme of the tax. In tax year 2019, the maximum amount is 6432 Euro. Social insurance four per cent of the contribution assessment limit, so up to 2216 Euro Euro.

Offers the employer the bAV-the implementation of ways of provident Fund or pension, the contributions for both conducting paths in the full amount tax-free. The employer pays the contributions, you are also completely free of social security contributions.

“the contributions in the framework of a salary conversion, in addition to those of a direct insurance of up to four percent of the BBG DRV exemption from social security contributions,” write the money experts.

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