German tennis idol Boris Becker has rejected criticism in the social networks of his participation in a Demonstration against racism in London again.

“Because I’ve struck a nerve last night with my Tweet about my family history,” said the three-time Wimbledon champion on Monday in a Video on Twitter. “We should speak more publicly about it. We are all a family.”

Previously, Becker has been attacked because of his participation in an Anti-racism Demonstration in the British capital London in Social media.

“I’m shocked, shocked, shocked about the many insults ONLY from Germany for my support of the #black live matters-Demo,” wrote the 52-Year-old on Sunday on Twitter: “Why, why, why??? We have become a country of racists…?”

Boris Becker filming the protest March against racism

The three-time Wimbledon winner, was involved at the weekend in a protest March in his home of choice and a Video is shared. Doing Becker self-filmed himself. The reactions were mostly positive, but there was also criticism far below the belt line.

“fortunately, there was a seen my support of #blacklivesmatter. Demo both on #CNN and the #DailyMail as very positive,” tweeted Becker: “…it seems that many people in Germany did not always understand that it is my family history!”

Becker’s Ex-wife, Barbara, is the daughter of an African-American and a German. The mother of Becker’s second wife Lilly came from Surinam. Thiam: “it is Not racism with boots, bald head, and slogans scares me” PCP Thiam: “it is Not racism with boots, bald head, and slogans makes me afraid”

