Can we with impunity do anything to attract in France the sympathies of environmentalists ? It is this that is emerging with the support out of proportion to the sale of electric cars, which have been generously subsidized. Aid and premiums of all kinds, carefully assembled, can even reach in the Greater Paris a total of 19 000 euro, provided, of course, to be eligible. And this is not out of reach, as the reports to the specialized site

” To get 19 000 euros of aid, calculates Florence Lagarde, it is necessary to be able to earn a bonus of 7 000 euros (purchase of an electric vehicle), a premium to the conversion of 5 000 euro (in particular with an income of less than 18,000 euros per share), the premium of the “I ride my own” the Metropolis of the Grand Paris 6, 000 euros (income of less than eur 6 300 per unit) and the premium processing zones (EPZS) of the State of 1,000 euros (living in a commune in the perimeter EPZS). “

The constraint, it is actually to buy a vehicle electrified very powerful in the sense of ecologist of the term, that is to say, measured solely under the prism of CO2 emissions. It comes to electric vehicles emitting less than 20 g/km or plug-in hybrids, whose emissions are between 21 and 50 g/km. For the latter, the autonomy in all-electric mode must be greater than 50 km, depending on the device Macron (read our article) of which the details have not, to this day, still not been acknowledged on the official website of the ministry of the ecological Transition.

The Grand Paris to the rescue

However, in the communes of Greater Paris, a variety of subsidies that are additional to those of the government just inflate the envelope. And they relate to a large number of households, because they are not limited to the homes of the less fortunate. In effect, since July 1, 2019, the inhabitants of the 131 communes of Greater Paris, may receive a bonus specific according to the following schedule :

6, 000 euros, as we have already mentioned, for individuals whose income tax per unit is less than eur 6 300 ;

5 000 euros for individuals whose income tax per unit is between 6 301 and 13 489 euros ;

€ 3,000 for individuals whose income tax per unit is between 13 490 and 35 052 euro ;

1 500 euros TTC for individuals whose income tax per unit is higher than 35 052 euros.

the bonus of the Metropolis precise adds a new bonus, introduced by the decree of may 31, 2020. This aid is granted to natural persons whose residence or place of work is located in a municipality to which a part of the territory is located within a low emission zone “. The EPZS represent the 79 municipalities that are located inside the A86 motorway, and the inhabitants, from the moment they have already received premiums to the purchase of an EV will be eligible for this additional premium of 1 000 euros. It is powered by a fund of € 6 million specially created in the continuity of the plan Macron and 200 records have already been educated, for a total amount of nearly eur 800 000.

Read also Automotive : here’s income the time of the bounty hunters

At this stage, and in the meantime that the official site wants to clarify all the terms and conditions of this gas plant, it is not forbidden to think that bounty hunters buy a new vehicle to collect the subsidy and sell it with a possible benefit in a few months. A clause of minimum holding of the vehicle should be, by prudence, introduced. In this state, the device has a virtue : it allows a household little encouraged to buy an electric vehicle used as a Renault Zoe, abundant on the market, without exchange untie.

July 1, 2019, the Grand Paris is closed to polluting cars. The same municipalities are largely subsidised now for the purchase of vehicles electrifiés. © DR