corpus Christi – the Name translates as “Feast of the body and blood of Christ.” It is derived from the old high German. It vron ‘ for “Mr” and “licham” for “body”.

In the center of the Catholic feast of corpus Christi on the second Thursday after Pentecost, the Eucharist – the conversion of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. Today’s meaning of the Feast the image of the wandering people of God, whose center is Christ, the “bread of life”.

In many parishes since the 13th century. Century the consecrated host carried in the corpus Christi processions as the body of Christ through the streets.

In these länder, the feast of corpus Christi is a public holiday

Because of the great importance of the Eucharist, corpus Christi is only in a predominantly Catholic provinces a legal holiday:

  • Baden-Württemberg
  • Bavaria
  • Hesse
  • North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Saarland
  • as well as in some communities in Saxony and Thüringen

Augustin’s daughter invented corpus Christi

from The Reformation emerged churches celebrate the feast of corpus Christi is not.

Pope Urban IV introduced the feast of corpus Christi in 1264, as a General Church, 1317 Pope John XXII ordered. the Thursday as a feast day to. The Feast goes back to a Vision of the Augustinian nun Juliana of liège in the year 1209 and was later canonized.

The present-day understanding of the Feast the image of the wandering people of God, whose center is Christ, the “bread of life”. In the case of processions with the community of clergy particularly picturesque vessels, the so-called monstrances wear of as the body of Christ adored consecrated host through the streets. Often a Fabric canopy, supported at the four sides with rods is held above the priest with the monstrance a canopy. In this process, ions will be sung, prayed, and several flower-filled passages from the gospel is read, and a blessing spoken.

With a procession of corpus Christi was celebrated for the first time in the 1270er years in Cologne, Germany. In the time of the reformation, the Festival has developed to a characteristic, the separated confessions.

Luther referred to corpus Christi as “of all the damaging most of the Year,”

Martin Luther described it in 1527 as “of all the damaging most of the Year,” the biblical Foundation is lacking. Good Friday, often as a purely Protestant holiday, and corpus Christi for a long time were “battle days” of the faith: On good Friday, Catholics from knocked extra your dirty carpets and corpus Christi, the Protestants, washed demonstrative your dirty Laundry.

The contrast has weakened for a long time: for Example, it was common to celebrate in the Protestant Church days, which included the holiday as the last in Dortmund. This year, the municipalities can organize their processions, if at all, in the light of the Corona of a pandemic only under special Hygiene – and-distance rules. The most need to be. “You’re a bastard!”: Passers-by to berate anglers to giant fishing bad FOCUS Online/Wochit “You’re a bastard!”: Passers-by to berate anglers to giant-fishing evil
