The Zollinger Kita-Director Gaby Gerhäuser speaks in an Interview on the occasion of her retirement on the role of the educator and the change of the professional image.

Zolling – it has a significant contribution to the high quality of the daycare added. Gaby Gerhäuser was for 27 years the innovative spirit in the Zollinger parish kindergarten “Little rascals”. Now the Kita-head to be adopted in retirement. We have spoken with the 64-Year-olds about how the role of educator over the years has changed. And how to you it managed to be every day with heart and soul for the children there.

Freisinger Tagblatt: woman Gerhäuser, you have started the municipal kindergarten in 1993, together with Heike Schuster with a single group.

Gaby Gerhäuser: The parish nursery school had reached its capacity limit. The then mayor, Franz Obermeier, tried a “Notgruppe” in the premises of the old elementary school – today’s daycare “Little rascals” set up. I applied for the position because it was good to be agreed with the family.

As were the times?

From eight to 12 o’clock. Later came All-day and lunch-time supervision to an integration group, children nursery, it was grown, was set up. I always had a super Team. Currently, 30 teachers serve approximately 120 children in seven groups.

keyword inclusion: you were always at the height of the time.

Yes (laughs). It was the challenging child, for my heart has strengthened beaten. I have felt this before in my first job as a kindergarten teacher in a youth welfare facility. From 2002 to 2006, I completed an in-service training for the curative educator. I was supported incredibly positive from the then mayor Georg Wiesheu and the Zollinger parish Council. My concern, to be the children with higher support needs has been taken seriously by politics.

“Today, we have around 20 Nations with us. This is great.“

The Little rascals are recognized for many years as an Integrative children’s day-care facility. What does this mean?

The nursery has developed an open facility for all. The Growing up of children with and without disabilities has become suitable for everyday use. Children with special educators of the need of salvation according to the disabilities promoted in an integrated way. Each child is unique and is recognized in its individuality. We put in our educational work to the Strengths and interests of the child.

Has changed the understanding of child labour over the years?

Like I said, I’ve always been interested in children with an increased need for care. It used to be, occasionally, children from Turkish families, which we were with regard to the language development support. Today we have around 20 Nations with us. This is great. And an important learning field for our children. You learn tolerance and understanding in dealing with Different. Regardless of whether there are children with intellectual or language delay: This is all “normal”. In training as a therapeutic educator I have learned so much. That was a true treasure chest for my work.

+ after 27 years farewell: the Kita-head of the “Little rascals”, Gaby Gerhäuser.©Maria Martin

What exactly does that mean?

The relationship is what contributes to a healthy develop. If the child is in a good and sustainable relationship with the teaching staff and accepted feels, then it can learn and develop.

“allowed to organize the kids quiet sometimes aggression out”

day-to-day business in the day-care centre, was designed with regard to many requirements – cue the Bavarian child education and supervision act (BayKiBig) – certainly not always easy.

After my further qualification and the opening of the integrative group in the year 2007, I thought I had achieved my personal goal, and could be relaxed in further work. But then three crib came in groups, renovation, construction, and after completion of the cultivation in the year 2010, the fourth group of kindergarten children. The was called to negotiate the construction with artisans, controlling construction works and at the same time, the kindergarten-to-day business organize. Therefore, I was asked by the group Executive free. The special education specialist service I held as a practice and as a sort of icing on the cake in an upright position.

you have led me to the conversation in her little Kingdom: the space in which the therapeutic-educational work is implemented. What are you doing here with the children?

. In the game, the children develop. Here, the environment is designed in such a way that the children can let off try with fewer opportunities, also quiet times aggression, so that blockages are resolved. We accompany the interactions and help that the Play goes well.

you have wished to farewell a big Feast with their proteges. This can not take place due to the Corona-crisis so well?

This has made me really sad. I find that saying goodbye is a value, as well as the mutual Welcome. We have lived in the Kita always. Maybe there’s a way to say properly “goodbye”. Farewell means, of course, to make way for something New, and anticipation.

On what?

Six grandchildren are already waiting, that the grandma has more time for you.

Interview: Mary Martin

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