The gesture is symbolic. Democrats in the u.s. Congress, knelt Monday, June 8, to watch 8 minutes 46 silence in tribute to the “martyr” of George Floyd and other black Americans killed by police, before unveiling a proposal to reform the forces of law and order. The president democrat in Congress, Nancy Pelosi, the minority leader Senate democratic, Chuck Schumer, as well as twenty mps, including several elected black americans, had gathered in the ” emancipation Hall “, named in homage to the slaves who worked on the construction of the Capitole, the 18th century Washington.

8 minutes 46 : this is the time that has past a white policeman with the knee supported on the neck of George Floyd, an African-American, 46 years old, up to strangle and kill him on may 25, during his arrest. An event that has led to a historical movement of anger in the United States. Deploring the ” martyr George Floyd “, Nancy Pelosi has called on other parliamentarians to list the names of other victims of police brutality or racist violence.

A project of reform “structural” of the font

George Floyd was arrested on may 25 in Minneapolis because the police, advised by a trader, suspected of having wanted to sell a fake note of 20 dollars. Since his death, the United States is shaken by a wave of protests. “Today, this movement of national distress is transformed into a national movement for action,” said Nancy Pelosi in later with a project of reform “structural” of the police. This proposal of law aims to ” put an end to police brutality, hold the police to account, improve transparency and create profound changes and structural that will protect the right of all Americans to safety and justice égalitair “.

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“Justice and Policing Act” intends to create a national registry of police officers committing burrs, facilitate the prosecution of the agents and rethink their recruitment and training. The act would prohibit including the technique dangerous ” taken effect “. It does not ” cut off the funding of the police “, as demanded by some in the left wing of the party, as well as protesters.

A text compromise in the Senate

The future of this text is, however, very compromise in the Senate, a republican majority. President Donald Trump, who is running for a second term, accusing the democrats of wanting to cut the funding of the police. And ” now the democrats and the radical left want to cut the budget and give up our police. Sorry, I want law and order, ” he further tweeted Monday morning. Has less than 150 days of the presidential election, there was a lot of argument to campaign against her opponent Joe Biden, who called upon last week to a deep reform of the police. “The president should not be a barrier to justice “, warned Nancy Pelosi.

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During the tribute, the leaders democrats were accompanied by members of the ” Congressional Black Caucus “, the parliamentary group gathering of the elect african-americans, as well as other senior Congress leaders. All wore stoles in quinte, a tissue african. It is a tribute to “our african heritage, and for those of us without this legacy (…) an act of solidarity,” said the elected Karen Bass.

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