139 bus stops in Fürstenfeldbruck are twelve wheelchair access. That you want to increase the proportion, is the decision situation. Now the city Council has decided to increase the pace of the renovation.

Fürstenfeldbruck – The Plan is now, of the 33 stops, where each barrier-freedom, four per year, to rebuild. The city Council adopted a corresponding amendment was submitted Mirko Pötzsch (SPD) as a traffic officer in September 2019, now, unanimously. The city Council had already decided earlier, the conversion of the stops. With the former target of two-stop goods, but in the year to rebuild.

at this rate, however, is the goal of the County to make local public TRANSPORT up to 2028 accessible, to keep not nearly. Also in January, the city Council has decided to increase the annual budget to the stop tag can’t work well, rich had explained the municipal administration. City Council member Florian Weber (The party) would have liked to have seen more commitment to the stop tag. He wanted to expand the application of Pötzsch, to the effect that, in addition, also each year, six of the 94 only limited barrier-free hold-fully wheelchair accessible. This additional application failed, however, just with 18:21 votes. For the now adopted a target of four stelae in the year, the city must plan for the account of the building administration, as of 2021, a year to 250 000 euros in the budget.