, The Academy for Political education in Tutzing, opens after 14 weeks of virus-induced closure from 22. June its doors again. More than 50 meetings are planned until the end of the year. The Top topics: Corona pandemic, digitisation and 30 years of German unity.

Tutzing – The guests have to adjust as everywhere in the special conditions. “Corona makes everything different, even for the Academy,” says its Director, Prof. Ursula Münch.

The session Manager according to the Director of glad, “not only scientific articles, Podcast and video lectures to prepare, but finally back meetings, which need not be cancelled, but in fact can take place”. Directly with the Virus, the event “The digitization in crisis situations” (9 deals, for example./10. October). How it has changed the approach to technology, addresses the conference on “Corona as an accelerator?” (9./10. September).

on The topic of “Corona makes everything different” Münch a very illustrative example: “While we have taken in the last few years, consistently, to avoid packaging waste, we are just us: Even the pieces of cake for the afternoon coffee must be Packed.” This is only a small part of the safety and hygiene concept, “which regulates pretty much everything you have to think as the organizer”. Anyone who registers for a session, get it in advance. The arrangements in the Academy range from mouth-nose-covering in the corridors (“Two members of staff. in the last few weeks on the sewing machine sat”) up to the plexiglass Windows in the library

In the dining room there are now two different meal times

In the dining room there are now two different meal times, because instead of six-to-eight now, only two guests or employees to a table to be seated. The Breakfast and evening buffet, there is no self-service, the output is carried out by the staff. The lunch will be served. The meals are for Director Münch, “the only bottleneck” in the house. In the classroom you can observe the distance rule –not only the Auditorium will offer a lot of space.

However, it is clear: There are less events with less participants than usual and furthermore, in addition, digital offers. If sessions are to be held at the same time, don’t need to drink to be adjusted to the breaks even more closely to each other – “so that all at the same time for coffee or to lunch,” says Münch.

On a, if you will, a happy coincidence, can enjoy themselves in the head. Because of the energy-efficient renovation of only 40 places are available in the guest house is currently already available. “At once the catering fit ,thanks to Corona and the bed capacities of even together,” says Münch. The cleaning of the rooms but takes longer than before.

“We are confident”, says the Director

The demand for the sessions was not yet in sight. However, many asked would have been whether their session would be held or not. “We are confident,” says the Director. “A little concern” prepare ye the speakers to arrive from abroad: “By whose side in the last weeks quite doubts. Now we hope that the lifting of travel restrictions will help.“

For Münch, the Tutzinger are fulfilled, especially in these times an important function: “The need for sound Knowledge, and serious debates about political, social and economic issues is greater than ever.”

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