in Majorca and other Spanish Balearic Islands leave from Monday up to 10 900 holidaymakers from Germany to enter the country. The regional President of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol said, on Tuesday in Palma de Mallorca. Almost twice as many as the Spanish media had reported on the previous day.

Germany had been selected from two of the “”obvious” reasons for this pilot project, said Armengol: “Germany is the country to come out of the most tourists to us, and the epidemiological Numbers are very similar to ours.” The whole of Spain wants to only on 1. In July, the tourism open.

The tourists would have to stay at least five days on the Islands and according to the entry, at first, to be quarantined on their return, as it is otherwise so far in Spain, if you Travel from abroad is required, – said Armengol. Your Minister of health, Iago Negueruela also stressed, it also has German entries, have a second home on the Islands is likely. The people would have left by plane into the country.

The pilot project in the Balearic Islands to serve the purpose of the serious case – the expected tourist rush, and after the Opening of the borders on 1. July – to samples. We wanted to examine whether the safeguards work, among other things, at the airports and in the Hotels. “The safety of the Locals, the staff and of course the guest is the focus,” said Armengol. A Tourist Covid should have-19-the symptoms, he was tested. And if this is positive, going to him and his family, assigned a special quarter.

the Spanish media have also reported to the Canary Islands to negotiate with Madrid about a similar pilot project. At these meetings, fell on Monday but no decision, because the Canary Islands “increased security requirements” have made, including Coronavirus-Tests for all the visitors, “reported El PaĆ­s”.

, Spain: opening of the border on 1. July

“Starting in July will be added the reception of foreign tourists in safe conditions”, said Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Saturday in a speech to the Nation. “We will guarantee that the tourists will take no risks, and that they do not cause risks for us.”

the abolition of the two-week mandatory Quarantine

for this occasion, Spain. the obligation to quarantine from abroad arrived to 1 July cancel. The two-week quarantine after entry, since the 15. May for those who come into the country. For a primary residence in Spain is currently still necessary. Also, urgent business trips are considered to be entry reason.

foreign Minister Maas: travel warning for Spain remains for the time being,

After three months on the 15th. In June, the worldwide travel warning because of the Corona-pandemic for the largest part of Europe lifted again – for Spain, the travel warning is to lock because of the existing Entry, first in an upright position. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas hopes, however, that at least the tourist traffic to Spain – the holiday destination number one in the German – and can start again in June. Maas had a global travel warning on may 17. March decidedly.

read all the latest developments in the Live Ticker for the Corona-crisis

Lufthansa offers already from the beginning of June, flights to Majorca

Lufthansa flies from 26.05. the airport of Palma de Mallorca again. In addition, flights to the Spanish mainland are planned. The German airline is looking to expand from the end of may/ beginning of June its route network, among other things, to Barcelona, Malaga and Valencia and the capital Madrid.

The tour operator TUI has announced plans to bring from the end of June and again holidaymakers to Mallorca. For cruise ships in Spanish ports are still locked up for an indefinite period of time. Starting in the holidays with special prices

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mask a duty on all public places in the national Spanish transport

Since 21 is reduced. May is in Spain, a General mask, a duty on all public places where a 2-Meter distance cannot be adhered to.

The provision of public transport in the Spanish domestic traffic is currently still greatly reduced. The Spanish authorities advise to use public transport as little as possible.

The Foreign office warns on its Website that Spain, holidaymakers need to expect the best of medical care outside of emergencies with severe limitations. The Spanish health care facilities be taken by COVID-19 as claim.

return to Germany: the rules for mandatory Quarantine note

holiday-makers should the start of the journey prior to travel with the current regulations for re-entry into Germany on the website of the Federal foreign office become familiar. Currently, people coming from an EU country with a high rate of infection in Germany, it is recommended that only a 14-day quarantine.

Corona-Virus in Spain

in addition to Italy, Spain was considered to be Corona-the focal point of Europe. As a measure of the Spanish government, lock, led one of the most strict output in the world. Slowly, the country can breathe a sigh of relief: The number of new Infections fell most recently (as of: 26.05.).

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