restaurateurs who suffer from strict Corona pad, RUB the eyes, Despite the mass violations of the spacer are liable to bid praised the protesters at the Anti-racism of large assemblies of Parts of the policy. To the right things? A comment by mercury editor-in-chief George Anastasiadis.

Whether the German Anti-racism Marches in times of Corona wireless are now “ground sense”, such as the SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach, scolds, or a gratifying and “overdue” democratic Signal, such as Green party leader Anna Lena Baerbock praises, we fast will know in two weeks, maybe better – if the infection numbers, as a result of the turmoil in the height (or not). However, the inconsistencies in which the green defender of all requirements explosive mass demos tangling, are now obvious: it Is right and justifiable to risk the use for the rights of dark-skinned fellow-citizens the rights of any other group, namely the health of vulnerable older people,? And can it give a right to demonstrate, first and second class, depending on whether it is the Protest against racism, or against the current of Corona-rules?

many citizens are uneasy about the restaurateurs, the questions as to the proportionality of the restrictions imposed, while at the same time, large-scale demonstration to be approved. And what’s going on in the minds of the police officers, the meetings at the mass in vain, the distance rules to enforce to try? You protect at the expense of their own health risks – the right to demonstrate of those who are often quick at Hand with the accusation that the German police was a “latent racist”.

as a young man against racism, is usually followed by a justice-reflex, which is only to be welcomed. Politicians should not, however, follow their instincts, but rules that they develop in themselves and which should be valid for all.