After on Friday it became known that the stock market has manipulation authority, Bafin, against Wirecard-Executive Board members of the criminal complaint on suspicion of the market, have reported to the new week prompt big investors to the word. “The danger is that Wirecard year before are long litigation,” said Ingo Speich, head of Corporate Governance at the Fund house, Deka, the Reuters news Agency.

proceedings against Wirecard fear – resignation of chief brown called for

save is concerned that criminal proceedings against Wirecard “also opens the window for civil actions”. Several weeks ago, the Fund Manager of the store had called for the resignation of Wirecard CEO Markus Braun. Under whose leadership was maneuvering the group is on the Defensive, so save.

the DWS, the investment subsidiary of Deutsche Bank, had warned in the past of better Information. To the current Situation, did not want to comment on the DWS, though, reduced its shares in Wirecard in the last few weeks, however, significantly.

investor Association: “to Be showered) with requests”

The resentment among the Wirecard shareholders also feel the investors ‘ Association DSW (German protective Association for investment property. “We are inundated with requests, we have not experienced since the times of the New market,” said Marc Tüngler, managing Director of the shareholder Association DSW. Some of the reactions to the events to Wirecard were “highly emotional”, says Tüngler. To calls Wirecard 93,77 EUR -1,05 (-1,11%) Xetra

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The protective Association, an independent special audit therefore. “That would be the right step to restore confidence”, said DSW-Vice President Klaus Nieding of the news Agency Reuters. The would also plan several large investors, as Reuters reported citing insiders. The special tests will be set at the annual General meeting, the first for the 26. August is attached.

Still presented Wirecard, however, no balance sheet for the financial year 2019. After repeated Postponements of the presentation of the Figures is now on 18. June planned. According to the Deka-Manager to save the group in need of a fresh start. This pivotal point is whether the group can get for the last fiscal year 2019 by the auditor EY an unqualified opinion. Webinar with Marc Friedrich: How do you now protect your wealth

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special audit of Wirecard has not brought the hoped-for clarity,

A previous one, by the Supervisory Board commissioned a special audit by KPMG for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 could not overcome the long-standing suspicion of the falsification of accounts at Wirecard, without a doubt. Exactly the had stated, Wirecard, however, before the presentation of the KPMG-final report in April in Ad-hoc communications. For this reason, Bafin has made in the first place a criminal complaint against chief brown and three other members of the Executive Board. 7 areas of Analysis, a Report: The stock of Wirecard and their ratios in the stock report+ of Finanzen100. Take advantage of exclusive Chart and fundamental analysis. The relevant key figures on Wirecard stock at a glance.

The accused stated, however, that they were confident that the allegations are ultimately not substantiated. In a statement, the group promised to provide the investigators cooperate.

On the stock exchange, the market participants remain skeptical. On Friday, the price fell in after-hours trading after the news of the criminal complaint temporarily in order to ten percent. Yesterday, Monday, in turn, the share closed after heavy initial losses, still in the Plus. Finally, the share fell in a weaker overall market by 1.14 per cent to 96,37€.

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