When it comes to the former father of the country, Edmund Stoiber, was put in Bavaria, the Foundation stone to ensure that the economic game in Germany in Corona-crisis is so “effective”. Criticism there is for the ECB.

in Order to bring the economy to the Corona-burglar front man, puts the EU in a huge aid package . Germany as the largest contributor to the European economic recovery plan a crucial role. We spoke with Edmund Stoiber on pandemic , Germany’s solidarity and as the “mother of all recessions” can be defeated. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the latest Corona News from Germany.

Germany slips into a deep crisis. Bankruptcies and new debts are the economic consequences of the fight against the Coronavirus* . What can Germany help? And to whom Germany still helps except yourself? Edmund Stoiber, the CSU honorary Chairman, argues passionately for a act of solidarity – the European 750 billion aid package. The continent breaks apart politically, otherwise, he warns.

Mr Stoiber, are you one of the fathers of the balanced budget. The Virus just destroyed your life’s work?

Edmund Stoiber : no. We are experiencing an incredibly large challenge. Because at the time, we balanced the budgets and debts repaid, starting in 2006 in Bavaria, and then nationwide, we now have the room for a massive economic response to the crisis. Angela Merkel and Markus Söder can, therefore, now also as effective. France or Italy, who are sitting on high debt, create now only a fraction of the German economic stimulus program. The black Zero enabling us to do more.

“Corona so far, the world’s largest recession” – criticized Stoiber policy of the ECB

the huge economic stimulus packages, which constricted the policy because, even justifiable? Professor mind warns, you start to lose the middle: “These Figures can make you afraid.”

Stoiber : I don’t want to use the word “alternative”, but I think that so far, everything is appropriate. The Corona-crisis is the mother of all recessions in the world so far, the largest. The principle of the proverbial Swabian housewife, against such a big crisis as a savings account, has proven to be during the world economic crisis of 1929 as a wrong, with disastrous consequences for Germany and the world.

Not only national is massively counteracted, also at the European level. 750 billion, wants to put the EU-President of the Commission in the fight against the crisis and also a debt. The debt is not more prohibition in the EU treaties?

Stoiber : Yes, this is true. But this is the exception. You must not be so negligent about the principles over as ECB Head Christine Lagarde about the state of financing prohibition set out in the Maastricht Treaty. That would be disastrous. Nevertheless, the European member States can take in this case, a unanimous decision for the program: € 500 billion in subsidies, 250 billion euros in loans, which I think is right and stand by it, especially as the German contribution of the Bundestag and the Bundesrat must be adopted! Therefore, we need to discuss this with the public.

Even if we pay for it? Why?

Stoiber: Because Europe is politically and economically extremely important for us is our life insurance. The EU and its 460 million inhabitants, is by trading volume, is the largest single market in the world, bigger than the USA or China. 60 percent of German exports are for this market. If the economy in Europe, especially in France, Italy, Spain Emergency, affected the export nation of Germany substantially. We can’t just look at us. In this extreme situation, Germany must help as the economically strongest country of Europe*, in order to help themselves.

Stoiber: Why Corona-aid for the South of Europe, for Germany is essential

in Germany There is a lot of resentment, especially because of the support for Italy, which has many wealthy citizens. In the case of solidarity: Should not obtain Rome, first of all, there money?

Stoiber: , Europe and also the German Bundestag will decide on the 750-billion program only if the purpose and means are well defined and the use of money is strictly monitored – for Italy, as for all other countries. This help is conditioned and to also allow for structural reforms. It also offers the opportunity, even the South of Europe out of the crisis out.

And if not? The EU is flying us politically around the ears?

Stoiber : Yes. Quite clearly Yes. And that would be fatal. Europe needs to remember to be a strong Union. Also with regard to America, the slips in a massive recession, and a President (Donald Trump*, d. ed.) has not grown, this situation clearly. And an authoritarian, non-democratic China, where the extreme plays in the cards. Europe must be after this crisis stronger and together in the Foreign and defence policy occur.

+ Edmund Stoiber, the family man, with wife Karin and his son, Dominic, and granddaughter Laetitia.©Oliver Bodmer

When it comes to money, there is a passionate debate. The Federal constitutional court has issued a groundbreaking judgment, the bond purchases by the ECB – so Draghi’s “whatever it takes” – as a competence contrary to the classified. Karlsruhe had the skills?

Stoiber : Yes, of course, and also provides for the great majority in our country. This ruling was not directed against Europe, but against a mistake in Europe: the EU and its institutions must take more responsibilities when you, the member States contractually assigned to them. Also a European Central Bank and a European court of justice can assign themselves tasks. The ECB would be exceeding its powers if it begins to bond indirectly States purchases to Finance, without the consequences. This is very important to me. Our Federal constitutional court has slowed down at this point, therefore, to law, and the Federal government*, and Bundestag asked, pointing.

no school, No daycare: “Corona-crisis deepens social differences”

A question to the father and grandfather. They have three children and eight grandchildren. You see now in the crisis, just or true, you and your wife still distance?

Stoiber: We keep our distance, remain. It was a difficult time, as we were not allowed to invite the grandchildren even. You are then come and see us at the garden gate, so that we can see ourselves, at least from a distance, but of course no one was allowed in the apartment. The latest grandson, we were not yet baptized. These rules were entitled, but they were hard, especially for older people, and even more so for the elderly in hospitals and homes. Serious by the way, also for the children, where for months the school is missing.

this Is your advice: to return rapidly to normal operation at Bavarian schools?

Stoiber: Even the holidays are. But compulsory education is irreplaceable. I’ve noticed how my children tear between work and substitute teaching at home. Not all parents can the to the extent. Not many are good substitute teacher – I remember, when I have to explain to the grandchildren something Complicated. Children who do not have home to this enormous support, fall back, since it deepens the Corona-crisis social differences. We need to catch up.

Interview: George Anastasiadis and Christian English countries

*Merkur.de is a part of the nationwide Ippen Digital editors ‘ network