The social adviser of Edward Philippe Matignon Franck Von Lennep, has been appointed, Wednesday 10 June 2020, director of the social Security, in replacement of Mathilde Lignot-Leloup, who occupied the position since 2017, according to the minutes of the council of ministers. Franck Von Lennep, born in 1972, had joined the Prime minister’s office for three years as the head of the pole ” health, social protection, social policies “. He will take the head of the social Security as of June 12.

a Graduate of the national School of statistics and economic administration (ENSAE), Franck Von Lennep was advised by Laurent Wauquiez, secretary of State for Employment (2008-2010) before joining the firms of François Baroin and Valérie Pécresse at Bercy. Former chargé de mission at Conseil d’orientation des retraites (COR), he has also held the position of director of research, studies, evaluation and statistics (Dress) of the social ministries between 2012 and 2017.

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His predecessor, joined the Court of auditors

At the head of the social Security since the election of Emmanuel Macron in 2017, Mathilde Lignot-Leloup goes to join the Court of auditors as advisor to master, according to the executive. The directorate of social Security, placed under the dual supervision of the ministry of Health and ministry is responsible to develop and implement policies affecting the health, retirement, or family. It is she who prepares each year the budget of the social Security (PLFSS).

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