London (Reuters) – racing driver Lewis Hamilton sees no progress in the fight against racism after the actions of protest of the past few weeks.

“is The just the beginning, and there will be a lot more change,” wrote the British formula-1 world champion in the social networks. The world had opened the “eyes to the realities of today’s racism”, stated Hamilton. It was still a long way to go, but he welcomed the “positive steps as a result of our collective voices and actions,” added the Mercedes driver.

Hamilton had discovered after the violent death of the African-American George Floyd during a police action in the United States on several occasions with emotional Call to word. The 35-Year-old criticised the Motorsport as a “White dominated” and called on the policy in all over the world to increased use of anti-racism. In addition, he demanded the removal of all the monuments that could be construed as racist.

Well, he wrote about his impressions of the recent time: “We have seen that laws were passed that police officers were liable for their deadly actions accountable and be prosecuted.” In addition, large companies are pivots on the price of the “Black-Lives-Matter-movement” and would strive to Act better. Also, the sale of Anti-racism-books had increased, the people would learn more about the experiences of Victims of racism, wrote Hamilton.

tweets from Lewis Hamilton