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the assessment must note the development of the infection is to pay, the efficiency of health systems, Test facilities, hygiene rules, the return journey options and safety measures for tourists will be taken into account. A decision by the Cabinet of Ministers adopted in Berlin on Wednesday. The tourism industry called for a differentiated travel advice instead of a flat extension.

foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that the travel warning will also be made prior to September again and again to the test. “There – and only there – where the total package of positive pandemic development, a stable health system, consistent security measures for the tourism and reliable and also travel opportunities allow, we can return may indicate earlier from a travel warning to Travel.”

Maas had 17. In March a travel warning to tourists for all of the approximately 200 countries in the world in favour of a free cancellation of travel.

travel warning for 31 European countries repealed

last week, the Federal Cabinet had decided the travel warning for 31 European countries to repeal. The 26 partner countries of Germany in the European Union, especially from the EU leaked the UK and the four countries in the border-free Schengen area, which is not a member of the EU: Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. For 29 countries, the dissolution is effected at 15. June, Spain and Norway, and only later, because there are still Entry bans apply.

For these countries, it will be in future only the so-called travel notes. It then informed about the country-specific risks. This can also mean that tourist travel is not advised. For example, in the case of the UK, that should be the case, as long as there is still a 14-day mandatory Quarantine for all entering the country is.

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Turkey, Egypt, Thailand: For 160 countries travel warning for the time being, until 31. August

For the other more than 160 countries, the travel warning is valid now until 31. August. This is also the main destination countries of the German, and especially Turkey as the third most popular vacation country. The Federal government justified this step by the fact that in countries outside of the EU travel restrictions and quarantine rules “without any prior notice and with immediate effect” again may be introduced.

Because of such sudden measures were stranded in the March of tens of thousands of German tourists abroad. 240 000 were brought in a week-long action back to Germany. A repetition in order to avoid the Federal government necessarily.

cruises: government strongly advises depends on

The Federal government discourages even more strongly of cruises. Several cruise ships had to find in March because of infections on Board issues a port, you were skating on ice.

The travel Association DRV, described the decision as not “relatively”, because they are some 160 countries on a comb, scissors. “The pandemic subsides in many countries of the world. Accordingly, the infection is done in about 160 countries on the travel warning applies, very different,” argued DRV President Norbert Fiebig. Many States implemented Hygiene and safety protocols. “This is also true for cruises, the safety concepts on the highest level to implement,” said Fiebig. At the same time, he pointed out that in the event of a crisis, the organizers got package tourists back.

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The managing Director of the FTI Group, Ralph Schiller, criticized the decision of the Federal government “deprives operators and travel agencies in Germany a large part of the economic basis and is also a major setback for many of the affected destinations.”

THE tourism Manager Ingo Burmester welcomed the announcement by the Minister for foreign Affairs, on the Basis of a catalogue of Criteria for individual assessments. “We are convinced, that a few destinations, including Turkey, already in a timely manner, vacationers can securely receive,” said the Central Europe-in-chief. In FOCUS Online At FOCUS Online/Wochit In the

vkl/ rob/dpa