Start-ups from zero to one hundred are known, is difficult. Too many young, new company on the market. And even the best new business idea to be heard by the masses. Often there are investors that with their network for more coverage. The following three examples, however, show that Instagram can provide a career Boost for business and a watertight business plan and quality products or Services are only half the battle. About the founders, their stories and the customer contact in times of Social Distancing.

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Start-ups: the first contact with customers often on Instagram

“’I’ve got you on Instagram to discover!’ is the phrase we hear most often when we ask our customers how they became aware of us,” says Viktor Dik, Co-founder of the manor Barbershops from St. Pauli. The entrepreneur who has founded together with Felix Ermer and Jonas hillebrecht also the Brooklyn Soap Company, wanted to create by 2017 a “place of well-kept manhood”, after he had observed that many of the men, the visit to the hairdresser is rather “a necessary Evil, as a blessing” is. The concept has been a success: Already at the opening was a manor fully booked, and now there are the Barbershops in three locations with eleven spending six months.

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A good and simple idea had Daniel Benz, the founder and CEO of Sneaker Stores asphalt gold. He showed on Instagram the shoes on the feet, and thus provided the perfect Streetwear image material for Sneaker magazines and Blogs. They began to use his photos for their own posts, and the Community was on asphalt gold the attention. Meanwhile, the Shoe Store is reached every month nearly 2.5 million people.

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“For many customers, is Instagram the first Touchpoint with our brand”, say Fabian Deventer, and John Theobald, founder of the watch brand Kapten & Son have expanded their product portfolio in the meantime on other Lifestyle accessories. The two founders had designed the watch originally only for themselves. “As more and more friends were coming towards us and on our watch talks, we have taken fast from a provisional 14-square-meter office on the first orders. After only a few days, the watches were sold out. Thus the start of Kapten & Son fell.” In the meantime, you count on your main Account almost 800,000 subscribers from all over the world.

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Content ideas for daily contact with customers

Instagram is not playing in the three Start-ups, but only an important role for the acquisition of new customers, but is also the appropriate platform to stay connected with existing customers in daily contact. “A haircut on a continuous basis, that is why it is very important for us, is an active Community on Instagram to build up,” says manor-a co-founder Dik.

For the development of Content ideas for the young companies have a tendency to notice The Instagram-Communities want to know who are the people behind the company are. At the manor, every new team member introduces him / herself, therefore, in a short Story, while Asphaltgolds “Staff Picks” CEO Daniel Benz are the three most important Sneaker Releases of the week has been revealed. “The people see by now our faces, as the perfectly machined Feed photo,” says Benz. This ensures authenticity and Engagement and this, in turn, pays off for the business: “Facebook and Instagram are at the latest since the built-in store function an important source of revenue.” Almost 30 percent of its customers will reach asphalt gold on Instagram Shopping Posts.

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And because in any Start-up happen every day so many things that should be communicated. Estate tip: “Start to tell the story of you! What makes your Start-up so special? How did you come up with the idea to start your business? What are the people actually behind this? I would not say that we are more creative than others. The only difference is that we unlock every day the Store with my eyes open for great stories. Today, someone has an appointment to his hair again after five years to cut off? Cool, because we make a Instagram Story out of it!”

Start-ups in the Corona-crisis: contact, in spite of the forced break

the history of The company but include, in particular, in the case of Start-ups is also low blows. In particular, young companies and founders need to make their experience and learn from it. “No matter what challenges come up, always think positive and not give up”, rates the Kapten & Son, the founder of Deventer and Theobald.

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The current Situation around COVID-19 small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. If shops have to close, it is for all of the critical, where the personal contact with the customer is essential. “Generally speaking, it is important to ask what needs the customer has now. It also helps to observe his own behavior. Means: there Are products in the Portfolio, the work now better or worse? And there are possibilities of the Content to the specific quarantine – or Corona-to adapt to any Situation?” explains asphalt gold, CEO of Benz.

In the week before the Lockdown manor men from the system of the relevant Professions offered a Hotline to arrange free appointments. “The response was great!”, founder Dik reported. During the forced break manor via Instagram in touch with the Community: In a video series with tips on hair and beard care for your home, the company held the wire to its customers, which may now finally come back to the Store. (Read: hairdresser visits in times of Corona – This is the new rules)

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*The article “be Aware: These three Startups Instagram helped to success,” published by GQ. Contact with the executives here.