Philippe de Villiers will have lived a containment productive. The creator of the Puy du Fou has advocated for the re-opening of his amusement park. He has also written a new book, 150 pages, published by Fayard : “The Gauls refractory demand accountability in the New World.” An attack in rule against this “New World” advocated by Emmanuel Macron as he deems responsible for the difficulties of France, in the face of the coronavirus, ” said Marianne.

For Philippe de Villiers, it is a “droit de suite”. As stressed by le Figaro, the former member of the european parliament had had words heavy with meaning during the campaign of the european elections of 1994. “When all of the sanitary barriers will be dropped and that there will be a flu to New Delhi, it will happen in the Berry”. He enters this work to make the trial of the disappearance of the borders, of technocracy and of financial globalization. True workhorses for him and who have found a very particular these past few weeks.

Read also The book complotiste (and plagiarist) of Philippe de Villiers on the Europe

The turn against Macron

most Importantly, this book marks a toggle to Philippe de Villiers. A time touted as “the advisor” shadow of Emmanuel Macron, it now displays the fracture. The Vendee tackle a product of the “New World”, “the empire of management, messianism, financial and liberalism societal”.

also Read Philippe de Villiers : “Edouard Philippe despise the tourism”

He spared not, therefore, the management of the crisis by the government, addressing in particular the question of masks, tests or even border. “France is the only country in the world, until the end, has refused to reinstate its border controls”. Finally, it gives the eulogy of a containment-general who would have been an error and the counting of the dead “selective”, because “we forgot the dead at the trade court”.

writing will advise you

Philippe de Villiers : “When there are no more frontiers, as the identity is being diluted “”Macron affected by the ring of Joan of Arc” : the story of Philippe de Villiers, How the catholics are fighting back Philippe de Villiers and the spectrum of the Bilderberg group