Bavaria’s state government has criticised the lifting of contact restrictions for the Corona-fight in the neighboring state of Thuringia solid. “It is irresponsible, that of Thuringia, the government is maintaining its controversial course in dealing with the Corona pandemic,” said health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) in Munich on Wednesday.

even Though the infection numbers in the whole of Germany fell, “are we out of the woods yet”. Huml referred in the context and in particular from the Bavarian point of view, “easily increased infection numbers right on the border to Thuringia and also in Thuringia, for instance, in the district of Sonneberg”.

The cooperation with the Thuringian neighboring country circles very well, it is called from the Frankish border region. “We pull in the containment of the Coronavirus, all together”, – said the Coburg district administrator Sebastian Straubel. You trade regularly for foci of infection and the measures to be taken.

“we Also want to unified and as a precaution, prefer stricter regulations than different,” said the CSU politician. “So, for example, also be obtained in Sonneberg Wearing mouth and nose protection not only in the public transport and shopping more upright, but – as in Bavaria – is also still in the catering industry.”

When shopping, tend the population anyway rather in the direction of Bamberg, Coburg, or Schweinfurt, informed the Landratsamt Haßberge. Nevertheless, Landrat Wilhelm Schneider (CSU) see the lifting of contact restrictions in the neighbouring country is critical.

On Tuesday, the Thuringian Cabinet had decided in Erfurt, 13. To June during the Corona-pandemic introduced contact restrictions are lifted. In its place is a recommendation to people not to meet with more than ten other people or a household occurs. In future facilities, such as swimming and leisure pools in enclosed rooms as well as spas, saunas, and cinemas re-open.

“I would have kept it for the objective of leading, if of Thuringia would be taken Vice versa. If the contact limitations will apply so, in General, and only in regions with a low risk of infection would be eased,“ said Frank Rebhan mayor in Neustadt bei Coburg.

Nevertheless, many regulations, such as, for example, the mask would also apply in Thuringia, obligation in public transport, the SPD politician. Many commuters would already work from home, and the Corona-regulations in the Franconian company apply to all employees – whether in Bavaria or Thuringia.

“it is important now that the necessary distance regulations and hygiene concepts as well as the mask of duty to be adhered to”, urged health Minister Huml. Prudence and caution would have to determine the Action. The successes achieved should not be lost.

Bayern will continue to watch carefully and be vigilant, as the loosening effect, – said Huml. More: “In furthermore, a favorable course of the infection events, Changes in the General contact restrictions come in the foreseeable future in Bavaria in consideration”. For a decision about it now but still too early.
