Hamburg has chosen. At the state election was won by the doctor, and the mayor, Dr. Peter Tschentscher (SPD). He has since 2018 office and has now been re-elected.

, first mayor of Hamburg Dr. Peter Tschentscher graduated in the Hanseatic city with his medical studies. The politicians gave in 2011 to his professional activity, in order to be a member of the Senate . the Dr. Peter Tschentscher on the Hamburg-election in 2020, to defend his Post. The developments on election night, after reading our Live Ticker for Hamburg-election.

Update, 10. June, 15.10 clock: Peter Tschentscher is to be re-elected has been Hamburg First mayor . 87 citizenship, the deputies voted on Wednesday for the 54-year-old social-Democrats, 34 against it, 2 abstained.

Peter Tschentscher can defend position as mayor of Hamburg – All info to Private and career

Update from 23. February 2020, 18.05 PM: , The Hamburg decided: The social Democrats, the First mayor of Peter Tschentscher according to the first forecast at the state election in Hamburg 37.5 per cent, significantly ahead of the other parties (according to Figures by Infratest dimap on behalf of ARD). Since 2011, the ruling SPD wins clear in front of the Green.

The Green Deputy mayor, Katharina Fegebank, which form part of the SPD for 2015, a red-green coalition, achieved as the second strongest force according to the first forecast of 25.5 percent. The most important reactions on the Hamburg-election, we have summarized in* for you. In the case of journalists, the broadcast to the Hamburg-election* were in the case of an ARD present, were the reactions rather unusual: At the announcement of the first forecast for the AfD cheering in the TV was to be heard-Studio to. On* you will also find a comment to the AfD-the result of the Parliament elections in Hamburg.

The Trend was recorded already in the last few weeks, the SPD was in the polls recently, with values between 37 and 39 per cent, significantly ahead of the other parties.

Hamburg-election 2020: Private and career of mayor Dr. Peter Tschentscher

Since March, 2018, the SPD politician Dr. Peter Tschentscher mayor of the Free and Hanseatic city of Hamburg . Depending on the outcome of the state election in 2020 fails, he can keep his on because he stands for re-election. He was born on the 20. January 1966. Grew up Tschentscher, however, in Oldenburg (lower Saxony), born in the Hanseatic city of Bremen .

His three brothers accompanied Peter Tschentscher by his Childhood in Oldenburg, before he moved to the high school to the civil service to the East Frisia . It is only through the medical degree the later First mayor landed in Hamburg. First of all, in Winterhude. Since the birth of his now adult son, Peter Tschentscher lives with his wife in Barmbek.

On the medicine degree at the University of Hamburg postgraduate studies in the molecular biology followed . In 1994, the mayor completed his studies with a state examination in medicine, a year later, Tschentscher was his doctorate for the degree of doctor of medicine.

Hamburg’s first mayor: The political career of Peter Tschentscher

Dr. Peter Tschentscher was in 2011, his career as a doctor to become a member of the Senate. But many years before that, he was active in politics. In 1989, he joined as a member in the SPD . Starting in 1991, the social Democrat, at the district Assembly in Hamburg-Nord, and from 2007 to 2018, he was Chairman of the SPD-Kreisverband Hamburg-Nord.

One of his predecessors there, Helmut Schmidt was . From 1999, Chairman of the SPD parliamentary group was Tschentscher also, where he sat among other things in the budget and economic Committee and the youth Committee.

Peter Tschentscher in the Hamburg Parliament and election of the Senator of Finance

From 2008 to 2011, Dr. Peter Tschentscher he was a member of the Hamburg citizenship . About the country list of the SPD in order to make the feeder there. Within the citizenship, he was a member of the budget Committee and spokesman for the Budget of his group.

Also gave Tschentscher 2010 its membership of the investigation Committee, HSH-Nordbank, to accept the chairmanship of the parliamentary Committee of inquiry “Elbphilharmonie”.

for The next career step achieved Tschentscher 2011 when he was appointed to the Finance Minister of the Free and Hanseatic city of Hamburg and of the citizenship confirmed.

Hamburg: The start of a career as the first mayor of the Free and Hanseatic city

Than the first mayor of Hamburg Dr. Peter Tschentscher is the head of government is the second largest city in Germany. As the former First mayor Olaf Scholz as the Federal government changed the Minister of Finance to the Cabinet Merkel IV, I had to find a successor. The SPD land Chairman of the Board Dr. Peter Tschentscher suggested, the on 28. March 2018, with 71 out of 121 votes, was elected by the Hamburg citizenship. Tschentscher hopes, even after the state election on may 23. To be able to February, the work of the Hamburg SPD mayor show.

According to the last polls before the Hamburg election, the SPD hopes to be the clearly most powerful force in the citizenship. Only the Greens with their top-candidate Katharina Fegebank have an Outside chance to make Tschentschner office in dispute. All the other candidates would be the election winner is a big Surprise.

With which parties have the most Matches, you will learn, among other things, in the Wahl-O-Mat for Hamburg.