so far, officially neither confirmed nor dementierter press report on the alleged troop withdrawal plans, the United States from Germany in Brussels, a new debate about the future shape of the transatlantic Verhälnisses inflame.

A constructive basis for this is likely to be until after this November’s presidential election in the US, if at all.

trump’s battle for re-election knows no barriers

at The Moment is election time in America, and the US President Donald Trump leads by all means. An analysis of the Washington office of the FDP-affiliated Friedrich Naumann Foundation comes to the conclusion: “In the last few months, trump has increased the appetite for conflict, which also shows his determination to pave the way for a second term.”

Any Volte from Washington is officially, especially in Nato, which is substantially dependent on the United States, just be careful with the well-known peace-making formulas wich commented: common interests, Alliance, loyalty and a community of values.

But even the German defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer had to admit this week at the “Brussels Forum” of the German Marshall Fund (GMF): “You can say that the TRANS-Atlantic is stressed tables relationship at the Moment.” The head of the German social Democrats in the European Parliament, Jens Geier, is even clearer: “If the next US President is not to say that Trump is a breath of fresh air by the bodies of the European Union.”

But this hope could be fulfilled, is not at all certain. The contingent plans of the EU and Nato need to consider that Trump could shake a further four years to the foundations of the Western Alliance, Moscow and Beijing approvingly observed. Even now, the list of his alone long, including his expressed doubts as to the existence of the Nato troops withdrawal from Syria like Afghanistan, nuclear-armed Iran.

Kramp-Karrenbauer pictures of Washington

disturbed by Haunting the man who needs to keep the Nato Alliance together, refers to its Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, the fact that neither Europe nor the United States could not alone shoulder the challenges of the next decade.

Also at the “Brussels Forum” of the GMF, he braced himself against the impression that the USA are currently giving your protective Hand from Europe: “In the course of the past few years, we have again an increase in the US presence in Europe.” As proof Stoltenberg led a additional US Brigade and regularly rotating American troops in Eastern Europe.

But uncertainty over the rate and internal state of the old partner remains on the other side of the Atlantic. Kramp-Karrenbauer rated the images of the presence of the security forces in Washington during the recent anti-racism protests as “disturbing”.

The security policy expert of the CDU in the European Parliament, Michael Gahler, takes refuge in the assessment of the art of Government from Donald Trump in sarcasm: “Occasionally he allows his professionals to convince.”

Which could lead to the commander-in-chief of the United States, and perhaps before that anyway, not particularly many of its combat troops in the United Kingdom. But a lot of the logistics personnel, the global intervention capability of the United States is on air force bases, and in the hospital service, and in command structures.

Gahler therefore advises to Serenity, especially since Trump was doing experience has shown that not all of his announcements come true. And the Americans should actually pull off troops from Germany, you have kidney but elsewhere, based in Europe, would be the overall effect of “harmless”.

The New world> the Ancient world to help rush <p However, this is likely to see Russia differently. There would be a permanent transfer of American troops from Germany to the East, such as Poland, where they were received joyfully, would be contrary to the earlier assurances of military self-restraint of the Nato near the Russian borders. Probably the only Trump, the Brussels EU-information service, "Politico concluded," be it given to a troop withdrawal as an act of Agression appearance.

73 years after the U.S. supported with a generous reconstruction concept of post-war Europe, and thus also the own interests, the Marshall Plan, and knows a new American President, only one interest: being.

the experts at The German Marshall Fund, the Minister, George Marshall, and the TRANS-Atlantic bridge-building beware of the legacy of the far-sighted former US-foreign, come to a shocking realization, when you compare the then fresh start with today’s restart of Europe after and with Corona.

The reconstruction of the European economies under pandemic conditions, you hold in one of your analyses, will prove to be more than the economic recovery after the Second world war.

“The economic recovery plan, the EU States are debating the handlebars these days – a European Plan for European countries – reflects on the oppressive circumstances that bring a weak transatlantic relationship, as well as an ever-growing propensity of the US to isolationism. There is no new Marshall Plan for the crisis and the New world, in all its strength and Power, do not hurry to the Old world to help.“

American and European interests are not automatically identical

she placed her dear legs, as in the White house instigated criminal tariff-war with the EU. “The Trump-government followed in terms of the trade relations between the EU and the USA a completely different approach than the previous governments,” warns the Scientific service of the European Parliament.

But despite the “harsh words” from the White house to make the economic performance of the United States and the EU, taken together, almost half of the world’s gross domestic product, were the Americans are the biggest investors in the EU and the Europeans are the largest investors on the other side of the Atlantic. Alone, the involvement of German companies in the United States accounted for according to the Federal Association of German industry (BDI) in 2018, almost half a trillion dollars, and contributed to 2017 to safeguard more than 770,000 U.S. jobs.

The need for cooperation is also on the basis of these facts. The CDU-security expert Gahler stresses, therefore, the need for a free trade agreement with the United States. A first attempt failed, even to resistors in Europe. “American interests are not automatically the same as European”, there Gahler to bear in mind.

of course, That was before Trump so. And the Europeans need to let him hold that you have not been involved in the past few decades, enough to the costs for Nato, and thus your own safety.

upgrade in spite of Corona cost promised

Kramp-Karrenbauer has promised that the Federal Republic will hold in spite of the enormous Corona costs to increase defence spending to meet Nato obligations. According to them, each member country of the Alliance should spend in 2024 to two percent of its economic performance, for the Alliance contribution. Currently, the German commitment in the case of nearly 1.6 percent.

Not only Trump is likely to insist on the fulfillment of the promise, should he remain in office. Also, his potential successor, Joe Biden, will show little interest in defaulting Europeans to grant respite. But otherwise, the SPD hopes-politician Jens Geier, member of the Delegation from the Europe married Parliament for relations with the United States and with a Studies, you could pick up with a new occupant of the White house “where has Obama stopped”. In other words: four lost years have to be attributed.

Started Corona much earlier on? Satellite images from Wuhan to answer to provide FOCUS Online/Wochit Started Corona before? Satellite images from Wuhan to answer