this year can take all of those, the “pension with 63” in the claim, were born in 1957 and 45 insurance years to come. This is the case, the retirement, however, do not use your birthday, but ten months later.

Means that For the 1957-born early pensioners in the year 2020, the pension starts at the earliest in November. To September of the year in 1956, can go with 63 years and eight months in retirement to say goodbye.

“The people racing us to work the place a”

Earlier, stop earlier in retirement, this ability to perceive, every year, hundreds of thousands. Since the introduction in 2014 the Numbers are rising steadily. In the past year, 238.163 people took advantage of until the end of November, the exact “old-age pension for especially long-term Insured”, such as Pay the pension insurance shows.

“The people of a race the place”, said recently Jork Beßler, chief of the German pension insurance Central Germany, the dpa news Agency on the topic of pension with 63.

“With the discount-free “pension at 63″ are rewarded, the people, the support of their working Life to the pension system”, according to the Federal Ministry of labour.

Also interesting:

  • 45 years of Insurance are compulsory – Each month-to-early-0.3% costs: So they go without haircuts more in pension
  • Federal Council pension adjustment by waving pensioners from July more money

resume crawl

Only one requirement: You have to come on 45 years of Insurance in the German pension insurance. Only then there is the pension without deductions. And with the deduction anyway: “The old-age pension for especially long-term, you are not able to get Insured ahead of schedule – even with the discounts,” – said in the case of the German pension insurance.

Who is toying with the early retirement, should his resume, scour – and-after activities, and contributions, search for question.

Because the prescribed number of years of insurance doesn’t mean that you have to have paid for 45 years – such as employee pension contributions.

Also interesting: series: “On s, Germany’!” – Not talking about broken pension! The System is better prepared for the future than many people think


to accept These times and contributions will be taken into account

the 45 years to the pension Fund in addition to the pensions-obligatory contributions from employment or self-employed activity:

  • contributions for mini-jobs , paid by the employee with the employer. Contributions paid by the employer will be Pro-rated credited.
  • times for children education : Regardless of the birth year. – raising periods up to the 10 The age of the child into account. Important: “The educational times, you do not need to apply for yourself, otherwise you are a pension!”, the pension insurance.
  • times for military and civil service
  • times for the private long-term care of people (non-commercial)
  • transfer money for medical Rehabilitation
  • sick of money Hurt money
  • Benefits
  • insolvency – and short-time working money
  • spare time : This is about people in the GDR in political detention of goods
  • Voluntary contributions – under the condition that a minimum of 18 years of compulsory contributions are present. The benefit of voluntarily Insured persons, such as, for example, self-employed craftsmen.
  • mandatory contributions or credited periods due to the receipt of social security benefits . Short-term interruptions due to unemployment (receipt of unemployment benefit I) will be credited.In case of unemployment benefits beginning in the last two years before Retirement: These times are not counted in the deduction-free “pension at 63”. There is, however, one exception: If the employee has become, due to insolvency or discontinuance of business of the employer, the unemployed and the unemployed receives money.

These times do not apply to the “pension with 63”:

  • times school
  • time of study
  • times in which unemployment assistance or unemployment benefit II (Hartz IV) before and / or was obtained
  • times of pension sharing after divorce
  • times from pension splitting among spouses

More on the topic of retirement: “Unjust and existential threat” – the expert expects, the pension tax is driving seniors into poverty trap

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*The contribution “pension with 63: As your request the early retirement becomes a reality” published by Wizelife. Contact with the executives here.
