said There is a need for “a new financial column, which not only makes it affordable for all, but especially us with the basis to the public TRANSPORT expand”, Kapek on Thursday in the RBB”Abendschau”. She also stressed: “If we expand the public TRANSPORT, we can help drivers, even the car: Because the, the are really dependent on the car, finally have some space.” Red-red-Green checks according to the three groups with a feasibility study, which the Senate transport administration was commissioned by three alternative models: a General public TRANSPORT-contribution from all citizens of Berlin; a contribution of property owners, commercial businesses and accommodation establishments to pay – and a City toll as a fee for the Use of the roads in the city centre. So far, the public TRANSPORT is financed through the sale of tickets and control

. The study will now be evaluated. Already the chamber of Commerce and industry of Berlin had criticized.

CDU land chief Kai Wegner to put in the evening news: the more Important these questions are: “How do we get in the suburbs? As we reach the neighborhoods, where there is no rail access?“ He stressed: “this is a compulsory levy, one engages many people in the wallet, but you can’t win, especially in the outlying districts -that is not changing really, because the offer is there.” You have to put in more on the Rail, called Wegner.

“The truth is: I need money to expand,” said Kapek. As a cyclist, you with Finance even highways, as a pedestrian on the cycle path – it is a question of justice that all co-financed by the public TRANSPORT Expansion.
