The mothers ‘ centre is up to and including 7. September closed. The implementation of the Corona pads is not possible.

Geretsried – The mothers ‘ center (MüZe) remains until the end of the summer holidays. “For us, a valid support key, the necessary minimum distance, the permitted group size and especially the spatial Situation are mutually exclusive, and no other decision,” explains club Chairman Andrea Schimpf.

she still remembers exactly the last day of the MüZe. “That was the 13. March, a Friday. According to the prekindergarten group, we have made everything tight,“ she says. That the Association no longer can six months off, they would not have thought of. “It is a total loss. The MüZe is for many families an important meeting place,“ says Schimpf. Now you only remains to hope that on Tuesday, may 8. September, goes further. “We use the time to develop hygiene concepts for all areas.” Schimpf expects a gradual Opening.

The MüZe had, of all things, have this year much. At a major summer festival, the members wanted the 30. Birthday of the MüZe celebrate. As a meeting point not only for mothers but also for fathers, parents and families, the Association has sought a new name for the device. “It received 63 proposals,” says Schimpf. The winner was selected, but it remains a secret for now. The Chairman reveals only so much: “The Name fits very well, everyone knows what is meant.” The birth-day summer festival is to be rescheduled next year.

for mid-September, planned families-the flea market is postponed to next spring. The popular holiday program in the summer holidays is cancelled. Also so swear, “is very bad. Many of the children have been looking forward to it.“ But the club see no other way. For the establishment of other requirements would apply as for day care centers, and for a corresponding operation, the rooms were too small. “We can forget it.”

After all, financially there are no major Worries. The Team of the MüZe works on a voluntary basis, and the club uses the former caretaker’s house at the Adalbert-Stifter-street, rent-free. To be able to current in addition to cover the costs could apply for the club expected to have a financial help.

Heuer wanted to rebuild the MüZe actually. The closing time would be able to use the club well, says Schimpf. But “unfortunately, the Corona-pandemic delayed the planning”. As reported by the city of 200 000 euros in the budget to renovate the mothers ‘ center and in the direction of the garden there is a gaming cafe grow. sw

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