It was one of those Sundays. I had planned a longer run, because I want to keep me happy. There should be this year, but there is still a Chance at a Marathon was not canceled due to Corona, then I simply want to be fit. Short biography Mike Kleiß

Mike Kleiß drives since his Childhood Sport. “Anyone who moves, reaches more” is his life motto. Running was always his favorite subject. Since seven years he runs almost every day between 15 and 20 kilometres, often a Marathon, sometimes Ultra-Marathon. So far, our columnist has published two books on the topic of Running. He is the founder and managing Director of the communication Agency GOODWILLRUN. Mike Kleiß lives with his family in Hamburg and in Cologne, Germany. He writes every Thursday on the Run.

in order To at least be healthy and to come in normal time to the target. Therefore, I am building to continue my Training. And long runs to include now just. Consciously I had decided to run ten of twenty-five miles with a friend.

After many weeks, a new friend, talking about a little bit back to normality. Besides, I knew: runs with Tim always give me Motivation – and I can use just in the Marathon-preparation is very good.

Already after three kilometers on the way to him, I realized that I would have to fight. It was one of those days where a training session is a hard work. My joy at the section with Tim was a hole in the middle, but I thought before our meeting at the miles I had to run at the end still alone without him.

‘t Just give up, I thought

just before our meeting point, the traffic light jumped to red. I stopped. And really had fear of interruption. Because the Start in the case of Green would surely be a challenge. Just don’t give up, I thought.

While I was busy, me to Green prepare to bring the weary bones again, she was standing next to me. A little girl in a runners dress, maybe eight or nine years old. Grinning, she looked at me: “hi, I’m Julia” (the name I’ve changed). “Hi, I’m Mike. Julia is happy for me! You running, too? I think it is great!“, I replied.

“Yes, today, seven miles, if I can do this. Last weekend, I was faster than daddy,“ said Julia proudly. “Faster than daddy? Where? And how quickly?“, I asked, curious. “That was a Five-Kilometer run. I’ve used 22 minutes, dad almost a half-hour,“ giggelte Julia.

“And how far are you running today?” – “Twenty-five, if I can do it. I run but also quite long.“, I apologized. “Wow! I want to create time,“ snorted Julia. “You’re still so young, Julia. And I’m sure you can run will one day be much, much more than I do. Sure“, I replied.

The light turned green. And Julia hopped elated on the road, with a loud, “Ow, yesssss!”. She really was incredibly fast. She arched a blond arrow to the next corner, and I dived further down the main road. The maximum motivated by this brief encounter.

kids don’t think long, just do it

I have always had maximum respect for it, if parents support their children to move. The fun of movement, to promote, to lose without the health aspect of the eyes. Even more respect I have, however, in front of all the children, the track is ambitious, and yet with a lot of pleasure in sports, your goals.

I did this the Moment incredibly well, so I again got the sense of how easy it can be easy to move. Children not to think for a long time. You just do it. Children turn your head all the time to Red and then to Green again. How this traffic light, we met.

kids a lot more than your instincts. They are not driven by “higher, faster, further”.

you live in this Moment. In The Here And Now.

And with that, I managed on this day, my twenty-five kilometers.

Thank you, Julia!

So it goes.

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