The good news being scarce the past three months, it was conceded that Emmanuel Macron was obliged to announce himself : “tomorrow”, the metropolis will be fully repainted in green. The cafes and restaurants, has reopened in Paris, and the schools – schools, finally ! – prepare to welcome for the 22 June all the students, “mandatory”, and according to “rules of presence normal.” “Normal” : the reintegration in the vocabulary of the presidential of a word banished from the march 16, sounds like a deliverance. The crisis is now past us – even if, warns the Chairman, vigilance is required to prevent ressurgisse. Let us rejoice, then : “We’ll meet to part our lifestyle, our taste of freedom. In sum, we will fully regain France.” At the very least, this part of France that is the joys of everyday life : our food, our entertainment, the glasses shared under the grape arbor, and the warmth of loved ones, visits are now allowed in the long-term care facilities. But for the rest, if the President has forced on the reassuring tone, one understands that a return to “normal” will take many years, and will need to mobilise all the resources of the country.

social-liberalism, the sovereignty republican

In “re-inventing”, and if the process is not yet completed, Emmanuel Macron seems to operate a shift in the range of the left : after having played during the first part of the quiquennat, a social-liberalism Strauss-Kahnien assumed, it adopts today, in the thread of his discourse, the codes chevénementistes, impregnated of “sovereignty” and responsibility, and republican.

Read also Remarks by Emmanuel Macron : the reactions of the political class

In twenty minutes of a speech condensed, vague on the proposals, but firm in spirit, Emmanuel Macron is clearly entered a new phase : that of the reconstruction. And the economic situation of the country (€500 billion mobilized exploded the debt to 120 % of GDP) that it would require that one does not bother polemics. “The 16 march, we made the choice humanist to put health at the top of the economy by asking you to stay at home”, stressed the President. “You have demonstrated a sense of responsibility admirable”, but the government had not failed him : “We don’t have to be ashamed of our balance sheet. Tens of thousands of lives have been saved by our choices, by our actions”, he insisted, relegating it to the level of hazard of the misfire on the masks, on the tests, and stifling the burgeoning debate on the relevance of containment is also strict, the consequences of which will weigh essentially on a part of the population – the employees of the private, the precarious, the youth. “We can be proud of what has been done and our country.”

A raise, “sovereign, ecological and solidarity”

But the new cap, frankly left, have hoped a part of his majority will not take place : the colossal bill of “whatever it costs” passed on to the youth and to future generations prohibits any drift additional. And after I quit the country to save the lives of the more fragile it will be, tomorrow, “to work and produce more” to help those who will be affected by unemployment and bankruptcies. The preservation of jobs will be the priority of a new “growth pact” which will be developed by the fall, in consultation with social partners, elected officials, business leaders. It will focus on the ecology. How ? The president, again, remains vague, referring to a plan for thermal renovation of buildings (that it will yet be financed.) The substance of the ads is postponed to the month of July, when the ‘Convention’ to Climate change will have concluded its work, and that the presidents of the Assemblies and the elected members have been consulted.

also Read “When Macron said, ‘you have to reinvent yourself, me first’ it is an admission of failure”

It also promises to take into account the “flaws” exposed by the crisis, including the alarming dependence on industrial of France towards other countries, its lack of flexibility, its “burden of organization.” The “forces vives” of the nation will have to work together, in a spirit of unity. This will take the form of a new step of decentralisation ? He promises to give “the freedoms and responsibilities unseen to those who act in the more near of our lives”, citing pell-mell (and in an order that is not trivial on the eve of the municipal promise to be disastrous for the majority), “hospitals, universities, entrepreneurs, mayors, and many other key players…”

Support to forces of the order

The coming weeks of intense consultations are likely to be particularly crucial, and fundamental to restore confidence in a somewhat laminated by the crisis. “The social plans are going to have rain in September,” it could be a regular at the castle. “We are not immune to a serious social crisis…” In a country fractured, while several thousands of people demonstrated on Saturday in France to denounce the racism supposed by the police, the president has been strong sentences, and harsh : “We will be uncompromising in the face of racism, anti-semitism and discrimination, and new strong decisions will be taken”, he promises. “But this fight noble one is distorted when it turns into dogma, by rewriting hateful or false of the past”. The “separatists” who are trying, today, to “retrieve” this fight, he responds : “The Republic will not erase any trace of it or any name of its History. The Republic does not déboulonnera not of a statue.” As for the police, slandered, and dive into a malaise that is of concern to the government, it brings him his support : “Without republican order, there is neither security, nor freedom. This order, this are the police and the gendarmes on our soil that ensure it. They deserve the gratitude of the Nation.” Nation : a word it will be pronounced five times, as if to establish its new stature as an incarnation of the authority. Critics, many in the opposition, are now waiting for acts, ironisant on the deep meaning of the conclusion of the presidential address : “let us Have this desire to conquer this energy of the day comes”, ignited the chair. July tell whether it has or has not sold the dream ?

writing will advise you

Déconfinement : what we need to remember ads of Emmanuel Macron