“We don’t have to be ashamed of our balance sheet (…) We can be proud of what has been done and our country”. Sunday, June 14, at evening, Emmanuel Macron is income over several months of a long crisis caused by the epidemic of sars coronavirus. The head of the State has accelerated the déconfinement, announcing in particular the passage from the 15th of June across the country in the “green zone”, with the exception of Guyana and Mayotte. Cafes and restaurants will welcome customers as soon as tomorrow, and the day nurseries, schools and colleges will re-open under normal conditions. Economy, employment, the reorganization of the State, social, gender equality, youth… Emmanuel Macron has also sought to give a pulse for the remainder of his five-year term. And to the right as to the left, the political reactions were quick to fuser.

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To the left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was not expected to denounce a “clean bill moon”. “Not Mr. Macron, there is nothing to be proud of what has been done by the government during this crisis,” he particularly criticized in a series of tweets. “Rain of truisms, words stolen and commonplaces Macron drunk”, has also criticized the leader of the Fance insubordinate. Alexis Corbière, member of BIA, for its part, denounced “the speech pompous self-satisfaction (…) of the words stolen from others”, “useless” and lacking “credibility”. The member of parliament François Ruffin has called on Twitter to a demonstration in protest of the content of the speech : “The cape is clear : ‘produce and work davantagz’, in the ‘republican order’. The madness continues, and ensures the support of the club. As early as Tuesday, with the caregivers, it is necessary to leave”.

A chair which is struggling to reinvent itself

For the boss of the socialists, Olivier Faure, this speech has not convinced. “Macron had to ‘reinvent itself’, it is missed. We do not want a President who looks at himself in a mirror, but that looks to the future. Where is the plan expected to rebound ? The responses to the youth ? The mutations involved ? We can’t be late, a crisis every time !”, he denounced also on Twitter.

On franceinfo, in the wake of the speech, the mep EELV David Cormand has estimated that the president’s speech was “a little light”, referring to “very little specific information”. “When he says, for example that it will be necessary to work and produce more. I do not hear a question the way we produce. (…) One always has the impression that he uses the word ecology, but with a repository that is according to me, very dated”, he judged.

A “Macron jealous” of Edouard Philippe ?

right, a lot of politicians also have found fault with the words presidential. In particular, when the head of State has addressed the issue of racial tensions and with the forces of law and order that have been seen over the last few days. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, has tweeted : “I am delighted that Emmanuel Macron provides support in word to our forces of law and order, but we expect acts ! Why the demonstrations and hate-they have always held ? Why Christophe Castaner that have humiliated our police officers and gendarmes is he still minister ?”

also Read “When Macron said, ‘you have to reinvent yourself, me first’, it is an admission of failure”

The mp LR Eric Ciotti has challenge his side noted a “Macron jealous of his prime minister,” and that “announcements are made positive in its place”. “For the rest of the at the same time sterile and a denial surreal on the balance sheet as dramatic health of France in this crisis,” he felt on Twitter. “Early surrealist, E. Macron is pleased with the management of the crisis. He forgets that our country is going to experience a mortality per million inhabitants is very high and the economic recessions of the most violent in the world,” responded the leader of the senators LR Bruno Retailleau.

Sébastien Chenu, mp, RN of the North has also criticized a “president depassé, which will require further efforts to the French, without changing its software. There must be a change, of course, not total ! The speech of the more sobering of a President”. For his part, the boss of the IDU, Jean-Christophe Lagarde, said that the head of State would not have had to evoke “a project for the future” in order to “raise to the presidential”. He writes on Twitter that the “job” Emmanuel Macron is “to safeguard the maximum amount of business and jobs”. The boss of the mps LR to the national Assembly, for its part, welcomed the decision of Emmanuel Macron to reopen the cafes and restaurants in the region off, but regret it a “denial of the balance sheet health of the nation, and a speech full of”self-satisfaction”.

The majority defends a speech sound

on The side of the majority, and some of the other principals, the policies, the president’s speech is a success. On Twitter, the former minister LR Eric Woerth has, in particular, hailed a “good intervention” and “good intentions, of which we can share a lot of goals , already available.. you’ll need to go from general ideas to the realization of courageous, end of the partial unemployment, schools mandatory, decentralization and devolution, equal opportunities..”. The executive director of LREM, Stanislaus Guerini, for its part, celebrated “a new way [that] opens with a clear set of priorities : economy, ecology, solidarity. Historical challenges await us. It is being assembled, we will meet”.

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Christian Estrosi, has estimated on Twitter that Emmanuel Macron had been “right to say that we do not erase the traces of the history of France”, in response to the words of the head of State on the manifestations on the background of the racial tensions of the past few days. The conceiving of nice has also said that he was pleased “the willingness of decentralization of the president that I called to my wishes”.

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A third budget to avoid economic meltdown ” When Macron said “you have to reinvent yourself, me first”, it is an admission of failure ” Déconfinement : what we need to remember ads of Emmanuel Macron