Despite the re-opening of the barriers at the borders, the travel warnings of the Federal foreign office for most of the European countries were at the same time.

Finland and Norway will continue to ban entry

But all of the because of the Coronavirus within Europe have imposed Entry bans are lifted. The visa bans apply in Finland and Norway in certain cases. In the UK, the majority entering the country for two weeks in quarantine must. The Foreign office warns, therefore, remain non-essential travel to these countries.

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Also Spain opens its borders until 21. June – originally the opening of the border, however, was only for the 1. July been targeted. On the Balearic Islands, the first German tourists are allowed to travel but already from Monday. In the course of a pilot project to enter the country, according to the regional government in Palma de Mallorca, almost 11,000 German tourists.

traffic jams on the Danish border in the early Morning

After the Opening of many borders it arrived promptly early in the Morning to congestion at the border to Denmark. The car traffic on the A7 motorway, progress was slow. Also at the border crossing at copper mill for about a kilometre-long queue formed, as the police tweeted South Jutland. Because the controls were not set. To the other open border crossings, there were at first no queues. Reuters cars drive over the border crossing Krusau in the direction of Denmark. German tourists are allowed to enter since midnight back to Denmark.

travel warnings still apply for 160 countries

The official travel warnings of the Federal foreign office will continue to apply for more than 160 countries outside Europe, initially limited until the end of August. Are also affected popular tourist destinations such as Turkey, North Africa, Southeast Asia and the United States.

Because of the pandemic in Germany was 16. March controls at borders to Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg and Denmark. After the end of these inspections, German and French deputies moved now to a critical conclusion. A closure of the common border should not be permitted to give it, even if a second “Corona-wave” should occur, said Union Deputy faction leader Andreas Jung (CDU), and a French Deputy, Christophe Arend in an interview with the news Agency AFP.

politician critical: No border closures in the case of the second Corona-shaft

“have shown The last few weeks: You can’t just go back to an artificial cut between our countries, without the criticized live together, and to meet the domestic market hard,” the young and the Young Arend. The two leaders are together, the German-French parliamentary group of the Bundestag and the national Assembly. dpa passengers at Berlin-Tegel airport to the security checkpoint. The travel warning for 27 European countries, was lifted in the night to Monday.

“just in case we need to be better prepared from the outset of a European answer”, called the young and the Young Arend. “There are no barriers and entry may block more to our limits.” The commitment to cross-border cooperation is not “something only for fair-weather stages, it must also exist in a storm”.

Macron: “first victory against the Virus”

In France were relaxed at the time of the Opening of the border, the Corona measures. In Paris all the Restaurants and cafes are allowed to open again. In addition, Old and nursing homes across the country again to receive visitors. From the 22. June will also open most of the schools.

President Emmanuel Macron said on Sunday in a televised address that a “first victory had been won against the Virus”. The spread of the novel Coronavirus had slowed down in France last significantly. Also, the number of new deaths was also down by there by the pandemic on Sunday on a deep. Only nine more deaths were recorded within 24 hours. This was the lowest number since the beginning of the official French Corona-statistics in mid-March. The severe weather risk on Monday not banned yet – where once again, heavy rain severe weather risk on Monday threatens to PCP still not banned – where once again heavy rain

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