immoderate Love of chocolate, port, jogging, bulimia series often have punctuated our lives during confinement. With the lifting of restrictions, the good habits should logically resume the top. Not so simple. For some, accommodations of containment persist. Testimonials.

Laureen, 22 years old, has chosen to confine to Marseille, the home of his parents. A family reunion, which earned him a few rounds of plus size : “I can’t stop eating and in greater quantity than usual. Before, as I was finishing up late at night, it was pasta or salads. Today, it is a festival of dishes in sauce “, is alarm-t-it. “It is delicious, but I see the fat that appears little by little,” recognizes this great walker forced inactivity during the confinement : “I’m not doing anything, apart from telecommuting. I am always home during the day and obviously… I can see it clearly when I try my jeans, it never goes more to the hips. “Despite the end of health concerns, the confidentiality of the information as it poured in on social networks.

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“The containment versus my will, it is a draw”

return to France after three years of expatriation, Leah, 26 years old, who wanted to stop smoking. Las, the young woman landed on the French territory before the axe of the containment does not fall. “Before I was a smoker social, I told myself that with the absence of the evenings I was going to slow down and then stop,” she says. This was without counting on the pressure of life confined to several. “To the family, and just returned from Korea, I hosted a few days without cigarettes. I not only have not stopped, but I continued since. This became my moment of peace, of relaxation also in the evening, at the window, ” says Leah.

A study of Oxoda-FG2A, relayed by the newspaper The Echoes, leaned on the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and fatty foods and sweet during the confinement. Primary education, this period ” has played a very positive role in limiting the share of French engaging in bad practices. Limited in their outings day-to-day, the French were certainly less drinking, less eating, and less smoky, but the anxiety generated by isolation has had, for some, the opposite effect. According to a study of public Health in France, they are 27 % among smokers ” to report that their consumption of tobacco has increased since the containment “, especially among young people. A bad habit that can persist, warns Leah : “I continue to smoke, especially since the terraces were reopened. I don’t even have really reduced my consumption. The containment versus desire, it is a draw “, she confesses.

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“I have less desire to get out”

Alice had the habit of a lot out of it. In charge of mission in a large French energy group, she published regular columns for a musical revue on the Internet. But with the containment, more outputs, and even less of the concerts : “I realized that I was drinking a lot of alcohol. Since march, I no longer have any desire to drink or so without pleasure. “The aperitif ritual of its early evening, she now prefers to sobriety :” To be honest, I have less desire to go out or meet in the world, it may be negative socially for someone like me who was often of the party, but will re-open after the containment is more difficult, ” said Alice. “What is difficult is to have to face again in the eyes of others “, explains the young woman, struggling to negotiate the bend of the déconfinement.

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“It happens to me to prevent that I don’t feel well,” said Anthony, 27 years : “to Say that I have tennis wasn’t working anymore so I prefer to invent a stomach problem “, noted with humor this specialist of the environmental policies in the OECD ” Before there was a lot of picnics in the parks of the capital. Today, I have taken a liking to online games “, he admits, a little worried about this recent addiction.

according To a study referred to by the CNRS, the well-being of the French during the containment has ” fallen significantly : 41% of participants assessed as 5 or less (on a scale of 1 to 10), compared to only 9 % in the past.” Cited in the magazine CNRS Le Journal, the geographer Lise Bourdeau-Lepage is interested in the daily life of the French : “there is a divide with one side of a containment well, and the other, of the lack of security and concerns professional and strong financial situations of deep psychological distress “, she observed. Stay home, smoke and eat more, are all symptoms of a containment sometimes not lived at the cost of some bad habits.

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writing will advise you

After the may 11, followers of a ” second containment “