Virus outbreak in Berlin: Three houses are under quarantine

In Berlin, three of all the houses seem to be under quarantine. “A new quality in the Corona of a crisis,” said neukölln health-city Council Falko Liecke (47, CDU), the “B. Z.” on Monday. For the first Time, all the housing blocks in the districts of Spandau, Wedding and Neukölln of a Coronavirus outbreak are affected in the capital. Where the residents mostly have is of Romanian origin, is still unclear. dpa/Bernd Settnik In the Hotel Estrel in Berlin-Neulölln test capacities are available.

A connection to the school children was, however, noticed. The newspaper suspected that an infected priest Visits have spread in the municipality of the Virus. He is now in the hospital. Hundreds of tenants are currently in quarantine, the testing, the inhabitants are, for the most part still.

the city Council Liecke: “As it is to go fast, we have to think of something.” With its six mobile Teams and the smear center in the Estrel Hotel, it is possible to take about 200 to 300 swabs per day. Further action want to discuss the Senate and the district experts on Monday.

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