Yesterday, Lennart Burke is broken in his qualifications of over 1,000 nautical miles to Ireland. She is a Transat is the prerequisite for admission to the Mini. The Classe Mini predetermined course along leads from Lorient in the direction of the North – on the French coast, the southwest tip of England until shortly before Conningbeg on the Southeast coast of Ireland. From there, it goes for the 21-Year-old sailor from Stralsund, back to Lorient. Sebastian guard by the weather of the world makes for him, the weather-routing. We have a brief pre-Start-with Lennart’s talk.

As your new Mini is running? You have taken the “Geomag” by Ambrogio Beccaria. He has won the last Mini Transat in the series standings.

I have a super-secure feeling! The Pogo 3 is 2018 and 1a in the shot. She still has a more acute Bug and want is always felt by the waves, the Scowbug is much drier. But this boat already shown what it can do (laughs).

what is it Like to sail with a winner-Mini? This is a good Omen?

Many think that this would exert a lot of pressure, but I don’t feel it. It is not just the boat that decides, but also the Skipper.

Lennart Burke in Lorient shortly before the Start © Alexander Champy McLean/Lennart Burke-Sailing Float magazine

How you can you the qualification to prepare?

I have trained here in France, with other mini sailors, but optimization was not thinking, of course, still to.

You got hit by the French Lockdown in Lorient, where were You since February in the port of “Le Base”. You’re then driven without a boat to Stralsund back. You have, in the meantime, exercise can?

We had in Western Pomerania and Rügen as high Corona-Numbers, and it was relatively quiet. But it didn’t feel right to go in this Situation, sailing. At the end of April, I was able to sail twice a Pogo 1, I have to get a loan.

The Western Pomerania in the port of Le base © Alexander Champy McLean/Lennart Burke-Sailing Float magazine

And now You’re back in Lorient, in the “La Base”. How is the mood there?

Lorient is really the Mecca of the deep-sea sailors in the regatta the port of “La Base” and the well-known training center of Lorient Grand Large. We are all in a port pool: all of the Minis, Beneteau Figaro, all of the Class 40, all of the Imocas. Also, the Team Malizia/Seaexplorer is here. I’m even at the same time you run (laughs). Try the new Foils and a new sail. Boris Herrmann has a really cool Team, they are from morning to evening at work.

And how You live there?

in the Middle of it on a large area in my van. I have it expanded, and he is apartment and workshop. Really quaint!

Lennarts apartment and workshop © Lennart Burke-Sailing Float magazine

How often You can train?

not so often. I was now three times outside. Last week called me Sebastian guard by the weather of the world and said: Hey, Lennart, in five to six days, you’re good to go. There’s a good weather window comes. Then I made all preparations and left for no longer sailing. I didn’t want to take the risk that something breaks.

what will the weather be?

Sebastian and I have observed the situation in the last days intensively and the most optimal time is found. The weather window is great, we have almost sailing 90% down wind, very little Wind to sail, no big storms, a maximum of 17 knots of Wind, totally relaxed. It will be very wet and very grey. I sail with a low-pressure area, which has accompanied me all the time. Sebastian guard accompanied me, and see if the weather still fits.

Good weather forecast Sebastian guard © weather world Float magazine

What you have to say to do for the skill?

The Classe Mini predetermined course of Lorient in the direction of the North on the French coast along the southwestern tip of England, over to the shallows ton of Conninbeg (52° 02,4’ N – 6° 39,5’ W). This is in the vicinity of the Fastnet Rock. Back, you must be on the Plateau of rochebonne in the Bay of Biscay. From there, it goes up to just in front of La Rochelle, where I is the Île de Ré circle. This is pretty exciting, then, must be there under a bridge with wind movers. I hope I don’t have to do it in the dark. Then it’s back North to Lorient.

How to prove that you sailed this Route also?

We need to make photos. We should closely sailing to the bouy and then a Selfie with the buoy make. In the dark we should make a photo of the GPS.

You Are equipped with a satellite phone?

no, this is not one of them worked. I’m going to go find a bit of power, I think.

What did you bring to eat?

the typical deep-sea sailor-bag of food I have three meals a day. I’m trying out on this trip what I like the best, Dry or wet food. I have a Jetboil for hot water on Board and a couple of treats (laughs). And a Doe of beer. I drink when I go under the bridge am.

Lennart is well prepared © Lennart Burke-Sailing Float magazine

What are the sleeping and Awake started rhythm You’ve made?

I want to try with twenty minutes of sleep.

You’ve been practicing already?

no, I jump into the cold water (laughs). You get used to it, I think.

Who is sailing with You now?

With me to launch two more Mini-sailors who need the qualification, and also other Pogo 3.

How to do it then?

In August to start the first race. Normally, the Azores would be a race, but that does not take place. Instead, there are three stages in the race mode: 300, 500 and 900 miles, all in August.

Up to the Transat 2021, which is expected to start by the end of September next year, there is still time…

The time I need. Now, I learn first on how living alone works on Board. The lack of 1.500 nautical miles I’m doing in August. I want to collect a lot of experience in race mode. And of course you learn a lot more with the pressure of the opponents.

What is the sponsorship going? Has changed since Corona something?

no, everything is in order. I have a great Team that supports me. As of today, I’m at 65 %. We still need to give it Gas, and I continue my search for sponsors.

The main sponsor is the Sparkasse © Lennart Burke-Sailing Float magazine

Thank you for the interview, Lennart Vorpommern. Fair Winds!

Lennart Burke support

This article was written by Kerstin Zillmer

*The post “Lennart Burke sails in 1,000-mile qualification” is published by float magazine. Contact with the executives here.

float magazine