What happened with the masks ? Would we have been able to save lives in the long-term care Facility ? The containment has it been too late ? The commission of inquiry that opens Tuesday 16 June 2020 before the national Assembly intends to dissect the “failures” in the management of the crisis of the sars coronavirus. Ministers, heads of agencies and sanitary authorities at the helm these last few months, but also in recent years, will be playing from Tuesday after-noon, in front of mps to ” establish the genealogy and the chronology of this crisis “, stated to the Agence France-Presse the president of the commission of social Affairs Brigitte Bourguignon (LREM), who presides over this commission of inquiry.

All the political staff of the president of the Republic to the members of the opposition, agree that it is necessary to “learn the lessons” of this episode is unprecedented, which has led to a containment of generalized eight weeks and plunged the country into a deep economic and social crisis. But, while Emmanuel Macron has praised Sunday the management of the health crisis, which according to him ” we can be proud of “, this satisfactory result has pushed the opposition.

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The mp LR Éric Ciotti, rapporteur of the commission of inquiry, was blasted on Twitter ” a denial surreal on the balance sheet as dramatic health of France “, where the epidemic has made more than 29 000 dead, the 5th balance sheet, the heaviest in the world. The deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes assured a week ago does not want to “make the trial of anyone,” but to identify “faults, flaws, and the major malfunction “to ensure” that this doesn’t happen again “. It is important to consider “all the elements that have led to this delay in the ignition” in “January, February, march,” said Friday the deputy BIA Alexis Corbière, holding however that the commission of inquiry ” is in the hands of those who by reason of their proximity policy will not create all the conditions for the light to be made “.

Hearings under oath

The 32 members of the commission will discuss ” the stock management of the masks “, the strategy ” test “, ” care of residents in long-term care facilities “, which took place more than a third of the deaths of the Covid-19, the ” question of borders “, “holding of cultural and sports events” or ” freedom of prescription “, according to Eric Ciotti. They should also address the lack of production in Europe of drugs and protection equipment, while Emmanuel Macron has himself referred to Sunday, ” our dependence on other continents for us to obtain certain products “.

according to the director-general of Health Jerome Solomon, Tuesday to 17 hours, the commission will hear Wednesday, the former boss of the public Health France, François Bourdillon, and Geneviève Chêne, who succeeded him in November. The perimeter of this health care agency was born in 2016 is part of the topics of debate because it has absorbed the Establishment of preparedness and response to health emergencies (Eprus), affecting, according to some, the ability to anticipate a crisis such as the sars coronavirus.

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powers Of investigation extended

Thursday will be the hearing of Jean-François Delfraissy, the chairman of the scientific council, whose opinions have prompted the government to enact the containment and then guided its progressive end. Follow two former directors-general of health. Then, according to parliamentarians, it will be the turn of scientists, including the controversial professor in marseille Didier Raoult, and policies, after the second round of municipal elections, with Agnès Buzyn, ex-minister of Health, and many of his predecessors.

unlike the parliamentary information mission which delivered its report on 3 June, the commission of inquiry has powers of investigation expanded its notices are required under penalty of criminal sanctions, the hearings are conducted under oath and its members can perform checks on parts and organise travel, for example, in a hospital or a long-term care facilities the hardest hit by the epidemic.

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The Senate has also established its commission of inquiry, which will be put in place at the end of the month. These investigations policies will co-exist with the search for possible responsibilities judicial, since the parquet de Paris on Tuesday launched an extensive preliminary investigation on the management of the crisis, including the heads of” involuntary homicide ” or ” endangering the lives of others “.

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