the Latest survey show values Markus Söder as the political winner of the Corona-crisis. The CSU is at the height of the flight – and the Merkel successor remains subject.

The Corona-crisis puts the policy in front of many of the difficult questions – the answers of Bavaria’s Prime Minister, Markus Söder, the Bayern convince apparently. Another survey sees the CSU is on course for absolute majority. Also Söder receives good grades. At the same time, the CSU is in-chief in the free state in Front, when it comes to the desire candidate for the Union candidacy.

Munich Long had positioned in Bavaria, the Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU) in the Corona-crisis as a warning voice and put on the brakes. Now, it is also loosened in the free state. Whether the Söders popularity will continue to increase, it remains to be seen – the previous price has made the Swiss franc, at least in their own home but, apparently, to the desired candidate as a CSU/CSU-candidate for Chancellor, as a survey shows.

Markus Söder as Merkel’s heir? Majority of Bavaria is to Minister to Berlin send

Because Söder would be for a majority of the Bavarian population with the best Chancellor candidate of the Union . 57 percent of respondents in the on Tuesday published “17:30 Sat.1 Bavaria voters check“ considered him suitable. So he is at Bayern clearly before Friedrich Merz* (37 per cent), NRW Minister Armin Laschet* (33 per cent) and Norbert Röttgen* (13 per cent), wrestling with each other for the presidency of the sister party, the CDU.

Bayern candidate prefer a CSU, is not yet too surprising. Quite exciting this knowledge is, however, A slight majority of the citizens in the free state wants according to the survey, actually, that Söder goes to Berlin. 46 percent say he’ll come as the successor of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) considered, 44 percent would prefer that he remains in Bavaria.

Söder had always excluded again, as the Chancellor candidate of the Union to compete, and always stressed that he is in Bayern and not in Berlin. Finally, the vacation plans of the CSU-politician-rails, among other things, a change to suggest, like the Münchner Merkur commented.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Söder receives more approval for the course of the pandemic

unlike its counterpart in the struggle to Corona-easing and a potential competitor in the “K-question”, Laschet, conceded Söder furthermore, good grades for his current Actions. The consent of the Bavarian population to deal with the Corona-crisis grows. 44 percent, according to the study, with the relaxed satisfied. In may, there were only 25 percent.

88 percent of the Bayern keep Söder of the satellite.1-survey, in addition to a good Prime Minister, 78 percent of the Bavarian state government are with the work of the satisfied. About Chancellor Merkel 57 percent of the Bavaria say about the Federal government 51 percent.

For Laschet the Trend went around last different, even if at a fairly high level: He lost in the recent “NRW-Trend” of the WDR from the 14. June, clearly in approval. Only 46 percent of the respondents were with laschet’s political work, 45 percent were unhappy. In the previous survey in April, 65 percent of respondents were still with Laschet satisfied and just 30 percent dissatisfied have been.

survey state elections in Bavaria: CSU to Stoiber-heights – not just in the Green, two digits

The CSU is scratching in addition to the absolute majority and the Sunday question comes in 48 percent of the vote, followed by the Green with 16 percent, the SPD with nine per cent, and the Free voters with eight percent. The my AfD , reached at the beginning of the year, 10 per cent, is now at six percent, the FDP would miss the entry into the state Parliament with four per cent, nearly, the Left with three percent to be a little clearer. Söders Vice-Prime Minister Hubert Aiwanger was revealed in a Tweet that they are quite satisfied with the result of his Free voters – albeit with a slightly defiant tone.

The FDP suffered least at the Federal level, a bitter poll Broke. The CSU had last achieved in 2003, a state election-a result beyond the 50 percent mark. At the time, officiated Edmund Stoiber , as party chief and father of the country. The upper Bayer moved in 2005 than in the past, the last CSU candidate for Chancellor in the election campaign and lost to Gerhard Schröder. In 2007, he gave then both the office as Prime Minister and as CSU Chairman.

Stoiber was recently in an interview with the Münchner Merkur* words of praise for the course of the Federal government in the management of the Corona-crisis.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.