Donald Trump is trying to calm the angry anti-racist rumbling across the Atlantic. The american president has signed on Tuesday 16 June 2020 a decree prohibiting the taking of strangulation, except in the case of danger to the life of the police officer, and ordering a limited reform of the forces of law and order. Pounding his desire to restore “law and order” while paying tribute to the pain of the families of the victims he had been meeting in private, the us president said that it was necessary ” to bring the police and communities, not away from it “.

With this decree, the tenant of the White House has said it wants to offer a ” secure future for Americans of all races, religions, colors, or beliefs.” But its limited action should not satisfy the protesters, who stood, since the death of George Floyd, a middle-aged african-american who was asphyxiated by a white policeman on may 25 in Minneapolis. And claiming the outright ban made the controversial strangulation. If the presidential decree banishes them, he lifts this ban in cases where “the life of a police officer is in danger,” said Donald Trump in the gardens of the White House.

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“Without the police, there was chaos”

in Front of representatives of his government, the police and the republican members of parliament, but in the substantial absence of relatives of the victims, he said that ” the Americans know the truth : without the police, there is chaos, without law, there is anarchy and without security, this is a disaster “. The american president has only a limited power on the police, who mostly depend on States and cities, the decree will use the leverage of federal grants to “encourage them” to respect the ” highest professional standards “. It is, in particular, to improve “the training on the use of force and the techniques of disengagement” and the sharing of data on agents known for their bad practices.

Only a “very small” number of agents has made mistakes, pointed out by Donald Trump in remarks that have sometimes looked like a campaign speech. If he regretted the death of George Floyd and other victims black, the republican, candidate for re-election in November, has since the beginning of the protests dodged the debate on racism.

” Low “

A ” decree insufficient “, thought it was Kate Bedingfield, a spokesperson for his rival democrat for president Joe Biden, accusing Donald Trump may have passed its mandate to “destroy” the reforms adopted under Barack Obama. The president democrat in the House of representatives, Nancy Pelosi, has also estimated that these measures are “sadly (…) not up to the necessary actions to combat racism and police violence that kill” hundreds of Black americans “.

The democrats have included the prohibition pure and simple of the catch bottlenecks in a bill that they could adopt as early as next week in the House. But it is very unlikely that it is in the state the stage in the Senate, a republican majority. The only republican senator black, Tim Scott, taking his side to present a project of law that should not go as far. Positions in the antipodes portending tough negotiations in Congress, that Donald Trump called on to agree on more far-reaching measures.

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The death of George Floyd was born through the United States the largest mobilization since the civil rights movement in the 1960s. And has prompted several cities to prohibit the police practices controversial, without waiting for the administration to Trump or the Congress. In this country already to bright, the death under the bullets of a white policeman of another African-American, Rayshard Brooks, Friday night in Atlanta, has revived the mobilization. And many of the other cases continue to fuel the outrage.

Under pressure, the police of the county of Los Angeles pledged Monday to conduct an investigation “push” on the death of a young black man, Robert Fuller, found hanging from a tree last week. In New Mexico, in the south of the United States, a man was seriously wounded on Monday by gunfire during a rally against a statue colonial, while a far-right militia, “heavily armed” according to the authorities, had come to counter-protest.

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