in the Corona-crisis, the vacation money is for many workers is particularly important. However, some companies make the payment in view of the pandemic in question.

In the Corona-crisis, many Employees could use the holiday money is particularly good. However, many get from the employer not eligible for reimbursement from your employer for the vacation Fund. The vacation money is more than every Second even empty, says a recent study.

study: When vacation money is more than every Second empty

Just in Corona-crisis the holiday money Deal with* can help to fill short-time working* created financial gaps. However, more than half of the employees in the private sector get no subsidy from your employer for the vacation Fund. The current study of WSI collective bargaining archive the trade Union, the middle Hans-Böckler-Foundation .

Especially under the conditions of the Corona-crisis, the holiday pay for many workers is especially important, – said the head of the WSI collective bargaining archive, Thorsten Schulten. After all, millions of Employees would have to accept sensitive losses of income due to short-time working*. The special payment is to contribute to the stabilisation of the income situation of great importance. “All the more problematic is that now individual companies to go out and the holiday stress of money,” said Schulten.

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do you Have a crisis the Chance to leave money in the Corona?

The chances of vacation to get money , are distributed in USA anyway, anything other than the same as the WSI-study shows. On average, 47 percent of the men , but only 39 percent of the women vacation money. Anyone who works in West-Germany , has much greater chances of getting a grant for the holiday cash as an Employee in the East. For the prospects for holiday money the size of the operation and the question of the coverage rate of collective agreements also play a crucial role.

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study: the Biggest opportunity on holiday to get money in-tariff-bound companies

The greatest chances of a holiday money have, therefore, Employed in the tariff-bound companies . Around 71 percent of them according to the survey, a salary grant for the most beautiful weeks of the year. For comparison: In the case of employees, for which no collective agreement applies, it is only 34 percent.

the size of The operation also. Of the workers in small businesses with less than 100 employees, only 34 percent of vacation as stated in the WSI money. In Establishments with over 500 employees, the proportion rises to 61 percent. In West Germany 47 per cent of the employees receive a holiday money, in the East only 32 percent.

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the amount of the Vacation fee varies greatly depending on the industry

The height of the holiday money varies greatly depending on the industry – between 155 and 2513 Euro in the middle of the compensation group At least holiday pay Employees receive in the agriculture and Hotel and catering . Very high payments , the hotel employee in the wood – and plastic processing , the metal industry , the Motor trade and insurance industry . In the Public service, there is no separate holiday pay according to tariff. It will be combined with the Christmas money to a single year, a special payment. Compared to the previous year has increased the tariff holiday money in 11 of the 22 industries studied – usually 1 to 3.5 percent.

A legal right to holiday money there is not. The special payments may be made voluntarily by the employer or by a collective contract to be agreed.

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