up Until September, is to be built on the square on the Thenner street, an Orthopaedics practice. The living need to move and Container wagons.

Wartenberg – The market Wartenberg controls on a medical center. Unanimously, the market decided to the municipal Council, on 1. July, a special session dedicated exclusively to this topic. To do this, experts should be invited. These were visited Recently by mayor Christian Pröbst (CSU), and his Deputy, Carla Marx (New center) in Frankfurt.

goal is to secure the medical care in place for the long term and to improve. The market Wartenberg can win an orthopedist, is, in a sense, the initial spark for this concept. In the course of Thenner street, owned by the municipality, is to be realized, the project initially in containers. Pröbst is already on the search for appropriate modules and received in a second unanimous decision, the order, with the same orthopedic surgeon with the aid of a specialist lawyer a lease to develop and the municipal Council to submit. The Name should only be in July, made known.

must be The first patients in September

The container solution, since for these orthopedic surgeons time is of the essence. The approval for the establishment of a branch in Wartenberg could otherwise leak, the report of the mayor in the municipal Council. He indicated that the orthopedist had declared with such a solution, agree to, after it will give to hire in Wartenberg otherwise not large enough practice rooms.

in September, the first patient to be treated, so Pröbst to the schedule. If the municipal facilities sufficient sub way, one could get active in the advertising. After all, there is a commitment from the district office, that, in addition to a half-time position for a General practitioner in wait for the mountain could be located, he reported further.

special session with experts

For the planned special session should plan the municipal Council for two hours. Cheap the is not: the fee for the experts in the amount of 1500 Euro, however, was not discussed. Commissioned a comprehensive recommendation for action could be through this planning company. This was in the location, the different models of funding should be investigated. “All kinds of investments are possible.” This Christian Pröbst counted explicitly, a cooperative in which the Doctors are working there, to be a member.

However, the mayor also urged a long breath: “A period of time horizon.” He had actually been asked how long he was in office. There is, however, in the case of this planning society, whose representatives are now in the market local Council, already first experience in a similarly sized municipality, reported the two mayors. Of course, they wanted to look at the larger Bus trip once. Pröbst: “I would never tackle a project that I have not seen for yourself.” Opposition he received.

The time pressure now, but also to all other measures: On the square, on which the containers should be set up, Parking the Camper. That annoys the Council and the administration alike for a number of weeks. Pröbst reported that the determination of the holders of the vehicles. It would, however, for a few weeks. Then this would have to be only written to once. “Then, if nothing happens, we need to allow towing.”

Klaus Kuhn