eventually, They are 124 instead of 531. After a week of controversy and political media, the PSA plant in Hordain, in the North, is hosting this Thursday, 124 employees in poland by the manufacturer. Fed and housed near to Hordain, they come from the factory of the group located in Gliwice, Poland.

The assembly lines of the site, which manufactures the Opel Astra, are currently detained. Because the inventory of this vehicle are very important and amply sufficient for a european car market rolled. After a plunge of 76 % in April, the registrations have still fallen from 52 % in may in the european Union.

5 % of the workforce, compared to 95% of local employees

The French manufacturer, who had originally come to 531 employees Polish, had to yield to the pressure of trade unions and the French government. The ministers of Labour and the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, and Muriel Pénicaud, the requested “hiring priority for the interim” and “opt-out” of the project. Carlos Tavares had agreed after talks by telephone with Bruno Le Maire. Majority of PSA, the union Force ouvrière welcomed the ” great decline of management “. “What we want is that our temporary workers are taken as a priority and this is what has been done “, explained Frédéric Jarosset, delegate FO to Hordain.

Read also human Resources : how the Covid-19 revolutionizes PSA

The new team of Hordain, which should be fully operational by mid-July, is finally composed of 124 employees of Gliwice, 235 interim and 174 other people, either coming from european factories, to be covered by interim staff. “It is to make more commercial vehicles in France. These 124 employees Polish represent less than 5 % of the workforce of Hordain, in the face of more than 95 % of local employees (PERMANENT and temporary) on a workforce of about 2,500 people, ” explained a spokesperson for the group. “They won’t come for three months, with the costs of transport, accommodation and food paid for,” he adds.

the anger of The Polish trade union Solidarity

The crisis of French industry caused by the outbreak of the Covid-19 seems to have agitated the minds. It reveals the attempts of nationalist reaction within the european Union. The Polish trade union Solidarity has accused the unions of PSA to promote the instability. For him, the reluctance of France to accept of the employment of employees in Polish ” calls into question the unity of the group and the european economic cooperation “. “If everyone folds on his national egoism, we will not succeed “, he lamented on RTL the president of the Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux. The topic of mobility between the sites – “we are worried about,” said Frédéric Jarosset, delegate FO Hordain before adding : “it is not necessary that it becomes a habit “.

Specifically, these are employee volunteers from the group who prefer to work rather than be unemployed. In addition to Hordain, there will also be a thirty Polish factory in Gliwice to support the teams of Mulhouse, which represents less than 1% of the workforce of the site. The movements can also be made between French sites. “Some employees, Mulhouse, go to Sochaux, they prefer out of the part-time unemployment benefit and be paid 100 % by the PSA, and others will, Poissy, Rennes,” said the group. PSA will also put in place this device between its plants in england.

last Sunday, during his speech, the president Macron has asked the French to ” work and produce more to not depend on others “, and that ” even while our country is going to know about bankruptcy and social plans multiple because of the stop of the world economy “.

Read also PSA, coronavirus, CO2, Fiat… : the truths of Carlos Tavares

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human Resources : how the Covid-19 revolutionizes PSA PSA : why an employee Polish is better than an interim French