A woman can’t wait to go again on a cruise. This is why it makes online a proposal to the trips, in spite of the Corona – a Detail she has not considered.

Many shipping companies have suspended your cruises until July. Cruise Fans can expect, however, was hardly to sting back in the lake. A woman is therefore made in the network a half-baked proposal.

The Corona-crisis has made traveling in the last few months almost impossible. It is only since the 15th century. June is cancelled, the worldwide travel warning and many of the borders are open again. Nevertheless, can not be normal speech. For example, many cruise Fans have to wait a few weeks before the first ships navigating the seas again. Aida has been suspended for a season, for example, until the end of July.

Aida-a Fan makes a proposal for cross drive in Corona-time is a do not care

Some cruise lovers can expect but hardly to get a taste of finally sea air. A woman in a Facebook group for Aida Fans at least some thoughts on how the tourist season for cruise ships* faster in the gears might get can. However, it quickly turned out, had not considered one thing.

According to the report of the Online portal Moin.de she said: “ Could not all persons, before Entering a ship to Corona test ? If all are healthy, we only need the ports open, and objectives with as little as possible cases.” At first glance, this approach seems logical – but, quickly, you make some people aware of it that she has overlooked an important Detail: the incubation time.

interesting : a Popular cruise company has all the trips for 2020 in the US and Canada.

“Corona is not immediately after the infection is undetectable,” said one woman, for example, to the presented idea. Not for nothing, there is the 14-day quarantine for people with Coronavirus is suspected. A question another user asked: “How the practical implementation should look like? It is made a Test, and then it goes for the duration of the incubation period in quarantine?” It is not yet considered once again that travellers to the country gears could plug in , as another user added. Should become infected there is actually someone who could spread the Virus throughout the ship.

in the end the woman saw the arguments of the other User, and they ended the discussion, as it is called, according to moin.de . Cruise Fans will remain so and nothing was to be seen and to leave the shipping companies in the organization. So passengers have to be in the future, more rules to Board attention*.

also read : holiday in the popular tourist countries: Everything you need to know.

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