In the district of Erding, there is a danger that a woman has infected several people with the Coronavirus attached. Now all residents of an apartment building in quarantine must.

with the Coronavirus infected woman may have infected up to 23 other people. The health Department in the district of Erding has immediately taken safeguard measures. All the inhabitants of a multi-family house in Lengdorf must remain until the test result are in quarantine.

Erding/Lengdorf – What happened? Daniela Fritz, spokeswoman for the district office, reported that, at the beginning of June was a woman from the district of Lichtenfels in Lengdorf to visit. In this time, she was tested by the use of the service of the physicians Association (KVB), a positive effect on the Coronavirus . This is the Landratsamt Lichtenfels said on Tuesday.

Coronavirus in the district of Erding infected was: woman from Franconia

up to now, 23 people, including 15 students were identified, which were no longer in the vicinity of the Diseased . It is, according to gurus, to all residents of the apartment building. In addition, other possible contact persons from St. Wolfgang. All was at the point of Screening and / or house physicians to Covid-19 tested. Results are not yet available.

All the residents in Corona-quarantine: multi-family house in the district of Erding

is Problematic, according to Fritzen, the information of the diseased lichtenfel serine were partially inaccurate, and thus the list of contacts is incomplete may be affected. “The reconstruction of the case is very difficult,” added the spokeswoman. We are striving to make all of the contacts identified. It is now about the pandemic locally not flare up again, hence the quarantine. “The Affected are very cooperative ,” says Fritzen.

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Coronavirus in the district of Erding: Local Flare-up to prevent Numbers continue to shrink

On Wednesday, a fresh contagion was after 13 days without infection – a Erdinger. Thus, there are 618 confirmed cases. Two of the patients are recovered, a total of 602 people have overcome the Virus. The number of acute Infected dropped by another Person on five.

The last two a long time in the hospital – treated Covid-19-patients could now be dismissed. The screening location reported by 33 swabs on Wednesday. Since March 5598 people have been tested for the Virus.

After 15 weeks of closure forced open the Therme Erding again. On Tuesday afternoon, the Bavarian Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger (FW) gave the spas the Green light.

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