“not that I didn help me to be different”, answered Roswitha S. the question of why she collects bottles for the Deposit. At some point, the Need was so great that they began to look at the Munich Ostbahnhof in the garbage cans to the empties. For two to three euros more in the wallet, the 71-Year-old struggled against the shame. Five years – then the moment of Shock: two employees of a rail operator, the Pensioner issued a ban, with the delicate figure of the house. Roswitha S. was charged with trespassing and sentenced to a fine of 260 Euro.

“I don’t know how else to help me. I’d love to be invisible, that nobody sees me, when I cut again in the fingers when you handle it in the trash can.“

For the life of 140 Euro.

stay The fine must you bother welshing in the Rates of monthly 20 euros, which tears a huge hole in your household budget. At 450 euros pension and ramp up of the basic security Roswitha R. stay, less rent and fixed costs just 140 Euro for life.

But what is charged to the Pensioner is still more: by the ban of the train operator each journey by public transport to the gauntlet is: “I’m not allowed to enter the grounds, Yes. It’s just like a hardened criminal.“ Coyly she holds up her scarred hands to her face: “I would be invisible, that nobody sees me, when I cut again in the fingers when you handle it in the trash can.” On the bag you don’t want to lie – not even after her death. “A small niche in the urn wall for 10 years”, it saves the Elderly woman. Light for seniors help

worked for A lifetime and still the pension is not enough for the bare necessities. This fate, more than three million people in Germany. As the first club of its kind in Germany lichtblick seniorenhilfe e. V. has been working since 2003 for the poor pensioners and pensioners for a life in Dignity and participation in society are not sufficient. Please donate and help to alleviate old-age poverty in Germany. More Infos you can find here.

donation accounts:

Sparda Bank

IBAN: DE30 7009 0500 0004 9010 10


purpose of use: Focus of light

Give up your small not A question of

-room apartment in the East of Munich, is adorned with many photos of your loved ones, in photo frames that you find in the garbage. “What others don’t want anymore, find me a new home.” The Pensioner sweeps over the embroidered tablecloth on the small dining table. “I found in the garbage, and hot washed. It is as good as new.“ Light Seniorenhilfe e. V., Karin Weber

R. is not about to Give up for Roswitha in question, she has made through a lot. As an infant by the parents away, miss your foster mom needs you as a maid: “Because I was so small I had to clean the outhouse – from the inside.” With the age of 14 she had to help out on the construction, and later was a cleaner and caretaker. “Today, nobody wants me. I am 71 years old, I have osteoporosis and knee do not hurt me.“

the worst of time, it is supported But since you of light for seniors help. The Association shall pay you a monthly 35 Euro on your account, financed her special shoes she needs because of her arthritis and the pain in the feet so badly. Also, a new jacket, you can buy up to 11 years of age with vouchers for clothing, finally. “The Head of light is an angel. To know this support is encouraging, and I let me not get to you, because I’m a stand-up guy!“

More News on the subject of poverty in old age:

  • pensions expert Axel Börsch-Supan wants to do away with false ideas in social policy – and show that the German pension system for the fast coming demographic changes is well-equipped. The pension’s not talking broken! The System is better prepared for the future than many people think
  • they have raised their children and the country to prosperity. But today, thousands of senior citizens living homes are completely impoverished, in foster care. Thousands of senior citizens are living alone and impoverished in the project “forget-me-not” wants to help
  • Many people can’t live on their pension. You will receive as an additional benefit, the basic security in old age. One of them is Hans-Joachim Aurin from Munich, Germany. For him, the club is the rescue. Here, the affected Senior will find poverty in old age citizens to help. Without the Munich-based Association of pensioners, Hans-Joachim could not pay his medical FOCUS Online Without a Munich-based Association of pensioners, Hans-Joachim could not pay for his medicine.

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